Integration Server 10.15 | Added, Removed, Deprecated, or Changed Built-In Services | Release 9.10
Release 9.10
Added Services
* Compares two dates.
* Increments a date by a specified period.
*pub.event.routing:eventAcknowledgement Defines the input signature for a callback service that processes acknowledgments sent by the Event Routing framework.
* Specification for UserInfo service that performs custom processing based on the personally identifiable information in the OpenID Connect UserInfo token.
*pub.string:compareStrings Performs a case-sensitive comparison of two strings and indicates whether the strings are identical.
*pub.string:isAlphanumeric Determines whether a string consists entirely of alphanumeric characters (in the ranges A–Z, a–z, or 0–9).
*pub.string:isDate Determines whether a string follows a specified date pattern.
*pub.string:isNullOrBlank Checks a string for a null or a blank value.
*pub.string:isNumber Determines whether the contents of a string can be converted to a float value.
*pub.string:substitutePipelineVariables pub.string:substitutePipelineVariables
Changed Services
*pub.client:http The method input parameter now supports the patch method.
The pub.client:http service now includes fields for supplying Kerberos information that Integration Server uses to acquire a Kerberos ticket to include in the outbound service request. Specifically, the auth input parameter now contains a kerberos document in which you can specify jaasContext, clientPrincipal, clientPassword, servicePrincipal, and servicePrincipalForm.
If the remote server redirected pub.client:http to a different location, encodedURL contain the URL that pub.client:http submitted to the server to which it was redirected.
*pub.event.routing:send New input parameters isAsync, service Name, and runAsUser.
*pub.jms:send Added the JMSMessage/header/replyTo input parameter which can be used to specify a destination for replies without actually needing to wait for replies.
* New input parameters dataAsStream and signatureAsStream.
* New input parameters signatureAsStream and dataAsStream.
New output parameter contentAsStream.
* New input parameter inputAsStream.
New output parameter outputAsStream.