Integration Server 10.15 | Added, Removed, Deprecated, or Changed Parameters | Release 10.7
Release 10.7
Added Parameter
*watt.core.nodeIterator.retainFailures Specifies whether the NodeIterator retains a skipped XML node in moving-window mode.
* Specifies the list of disabled SSL and TLS protocol versions when Integration Server acts as a client making outbound requests.
* Specifies the list of disabled SSL and TLS protocol versions when Integration server acts as the server handling inbound requests.
* Controls the use of JSSE for all the outbound SMTP connections from Integration Server.
* Specifies the minimum rate at which data may arrive at Integration Server. If data arrives more slowly than the value, Integration Server rejects the request with a 408 Request Timeout error and then closes the connection.
Note: The watt.sercurity.min.bytesPerSecond parameter was introduced in PIE-53144 which was included in IS_10.3_Core_Fix2, IS_10.1_Core_Fix9, IS_9.12_Core_Fix19, IS_9.10_Core_Fix16, and IS_9.10_Core_Fix16 and had a slightly different behavior. See the description in the Changed Parameter table, below.
*watt.server.audit.journal.truncated The logging level at which Integration Server writes the full value of a truncated field from an audit record to the server log. Integration Server only write the full field to the server log when the server logging facility 0095 Audit Log Manager is set to the same level as watt.server.audit.journal.truncated or a more verbose level.
*watt.server.clientTimeoutRedirect Specifies how Integration Server Administrator behaves when the browser session times out.
*watt.server.http.forwardableHeaders The headers that Integration Server collects from inbound requests and includes in outbound requests.
*watt.server.http.forwardHeaders Specifies whether Integration Server supports distributed tracing by collecting the headers used by Istio Service Mesh and opentracing.
*watt.server.jdbc.datadirect.useJaasSubjectForKerberos Specifies that Integration Server uses the Subject in the Integration Server JAAS configuration when using Kerberos with JDBC pool connections.
*watt.server.json.decodeNullRootAsEmpty Converts a null data that Integration Server retrieves from JSON content to either IData or empty IData.
*watt.server.json.encodeDateAs Specifies how java.util.Date objects are formatted by Integration Server, including IDataJSONCoder.encode() and the pub.json:documentToJSONString service.
*watt.server.json.iterator.maxBatchSize Specifies the maximum number of array elements that the pub.json:getNextBatch service can retrieve.
*watt.server.json.iterator.maxConcurrentRequests Specifies the maximum number of concurrent requests for JSON iterator that Integration Server should process.
*watt.server.jms.trigger.caching.pollingInterval Specifies the length of time, measured in milliseconds, between polling requests to Universal Messaging to retrieve messages for a JMS trigger that uses prefetch caching (which is also called consumer caching).
*watt.server.json.iterator.minBatchSize Specifies the minimum number of array elements that the pub.json:getNextBatch service can retrieve.
*watt.server.messaging.deliverNotificationErrors Specifies whether Integration Server generates and delivers pub.publish.notifcation.error messages.
*watt.server.messaging.trigger.startup.useServerThread Specifies whether the thread used to start and run a webMethods messaging trigger that receives messages from Universal Messaging counts toward the thread usage limit established by the Maximum Threads value for document processing.
*watt.server.mime.largeDataThreshold The payload size at which a payload greater than the parameter value results in an execution of the pub.mime:getEnvelopeStream service returning a javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage object instead of an InputStream.
*watt.server.mqtt.producer.maxInflight Specifies the maximum number of MQTT messages that can be published at one time using the same MQTT connection alias.
*watt.server.oauth.log.authErrors Specifies whether Integration Server writes OAuth authorization failures to the error log.
* Specifies the number of milliseconds that the Pinger thread created for the pub.remote:invoke service waits between sending requests.
*watt.server.ports.ipaccess.ignoreXForwardedForHeader Specifies whether Integration Server uses or ignores the IP address in the X-Forwarded-For (XFF) header of a request when determining whether to allow or deny access to the port. This parameter applies to requests received on an Enterprise Gateway external port and API Gateway external port only.
* Specifies whether Integration Server must add the '$httpMethod' input variable with the requested HTTP method in the input pipeline while processing a REST request.
*watt.server.securePort Specifies the port number of the default secure (HTTPS) port on Integration Server.
*watt.server.securityLog.ignoreXForwardedForHeader Specifies whether Integration Server ignores the X-Forwarded-For request header and uses the IP address of the proxy server as the client ID.
*watt.server.securityLog.logAnonymousRequests Controls whether anonymous requests are written to the security log.
*watt.server.smtp.userName Specifies the username to be used by Integration Server to log in to the SMTP server.
*watt.server.stats.logfile.csv Specifies the format of the statistics log.
*watt.server.stats.packages.exclude Specifies the list of packages whose services are excluded from the request statistics.
*watt.server.transaction.ignore.exception Specifies whether Integration Server ignores exceptions that occur when committing an implicit or explicit transaction.
*watt.server.trigger.shutdown.timeout Specifies the number of seconds that Integration Server wait for trigger services to finish executing after disabling a concurrent webMethods messaging trigger that retrieves messages from Broker.
*watt.server.xmlCoder.getUndefinedDataTypeClassName Determines whether the class name of an unsupported data type is included in the XML document produced by com.wm.util.coder.XMLCoder.encode, the pub.document:documentToXMLValues service, and the deprecated service pub.record:XMLValuesToRecord, the IData object returned by the pub.document:XMLValuesToDocument service and the deprecated pub.record:XMLValuesToRecord service, and the Values object returned by com.wm.util.coder.XMLCoder.decode.
*watt.serverlog.includeThreadID Specifies whether the log messages written to the server log include the thread ID of the thread performing the action.
*watt.wmcloud.listeners.maxIdleTime Determines the length of time an on-premise listener for a webMethods Cloud account can be idle before it gets recreated.
*watt.wmcloud.listeners.monitoringInterval. Determines the interval at which monitoring thread executes to ensure that each enabled webMethods Cloud account has an active listener on the on-premise Integration Server.
Removed Parameters
Deprecated Parameters
*watt.ssh.jsch.kex The Key Exchange Algorithms can be included and reordered in the “Preferred Key Exchange Algorithms” list and excluded by moving them to the “Excluded Key Exchange Algorithms” list.
*watt.ssh.jsch.ciphers All the ciphers can be included and reordered in either the “Preferred Ciphers S2C” or “Preferred Ciphers C2S” lists. Similarly, they can be excluded from either the “Excluded Ciphers S2C” or “Excluded Ciphers C2S” list.
*watt.ssh.jsch.mac_s2c The Server to Client MAC algorithms can be included and reordered in the “Preferred MAC Algorithms S2C” list and can be excluded by moving them to the “Excluded MAC Algorithms S2C” list.
*watt.ssh.jsch.mac_c2s The Client to Server MAC algorithms can be included and reordered in the “Preferred MAC Algorithms C2S” list and can be excluded by moving them to the “Excluded MAC Algorithms C2S” list.
Changed Parameters
*watt.adminapi.returnExceptions The default value of this parameter is now false.
* In cases where the reading of the bytes is controlled by a customer's application or by a third-party library, Integration Server is not reading the incoming bytes and cannot monitor the rate at which they arrive. Integration Server does not enforce the value in these scenarios:
*When the request payload is JSON and watt.server.http.jsonFormat is stream
*When the request payload is XML and watt.server.http.xmlFormat is stream
*When the request contains no Content-type header
*When enhanced XML parsing is being used
*When using the pub.xml NodeIterator services
*For SOAP requests
*watt.server.commonmessaging.trigger.stopRequestTimeout The default value is now 3 seconds instead of 1.
*watt.server.package.maxSizeMB The value of this parameter is now a long. Previously, it was an int.
*watt.server.threadPool.cloudRequests The default value is now 5 instead of 75.