Integration Server 10.15 | Added, Removed, Deprecated, or Changed Parameters | Release 9.12
Release 9.12
Added Parameters
*watt.core.validation.skipAbsentStarBody Specifies whether to skip a validation that Integration Server performs when decoding mixed content elements that have an enumeration restriction.
*watt.server.apiportal.url Specifies the URL for establishing a connection to API Portal and publishing a REST API descriptor. This parameter derives the API Portal URL from the following:
*Host name and port number for the API Portal connection.
*Tenant for which the REST API descriptor is to be published.
*Specifications of the REST API descriptor.
*watt.server.jca.connectionPool.threadInterrupt.waitTime Specifies the maximum number of milliseconds that a thread can take while creating or closing a connection before the pool interrupter thread interrupts the thread. After the specified time elapses, the pool interrupter thread considers the thread to be blocked and interrupts it.
*watt.server.jca.connectionPool.threadInterrupter.sleepTime Specifies the number of milliseconds the pool interrupter thread sleeps between sweeps for server threads that became blocked while creating or closing a connection.
*watt.server.json.decodeRealAsString Converts a real number that Integration Server retrieves from JSON content to String.
*watt.server.log.maxEntries Specifies the default number of log entries to be displayed in the log viewing utility.
*watt.server.mediator.directives Specifies a comma-separated list of Mediator directives.
*watt.server.messaging.debugTrace Enables an extra level of verbose logging for webMethods messaging triggers that receive messages from Universal Messaging or through Digital Event Services. You can configure the additional logging globally or at the individual webMethods messaging trigger level.
*watt.server.ns.decodeJavaService Enables Integration Server to display non-ASCII Unicode characters in the body of a Java service.
*watt.server.ns.logDuplicateDocTypeRegistrationAsError Indicates whether to suppress or continue logging of error messages related to registration of duplicate universal names for a document type. Set the value of the parameter to false to suppress the logging of the error messages and true to resume the logging. The default value of this parameter is true.
Note: Setting the parameter value to false suppresses the error messages about duplicate universal names only. It does not resolve the duplicate names.
*watt.server.returnCurrentDateTimeString Returns the current date and time for an Object field that is not of type java.util.Date and has the format "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'".
*watt.server.serverlogFilesToKeep Specifies the number of server log files that Integration Server keeps on the file system, including the current server log file.
*watt.server.session.locale.ignore Specifies whether the default locale for the* services is the server locale or the locale from the session used by the client that invoked the service.
*watt.server.SOAP.pre82WSD.ignoreVersionMismatch For a web service provider that was created in an Integration Server release earlier than 8.2.2 and for which the Pre-8.2 compatibility mode property is set to true, specifies whether to emulate pre-8.2 behavior for process SOAP requests.
*watt.server.sftp.dateStampFmt Specifies the format of date to be used in the SFTP client public services, specifically the pub.client.sftp* services in the WmPublic package. To specify the date format to use, you can use any format that is supported by the Java class java.text.SimpleDateFormat . For example, to display the date with the format 08-12-02 14:44:33:1235, specify dd-MM-yy HH:mm:ss:SSSS. If the watt.server.sftp.dateStampFmt property is not set, Integration Server uses the default format, which is yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss z.
*watt.server.transaction.xastore.maxTxnPerFile Specifies the maximum number of unique XA transactions in an XA recovery log file. When the XA recovery log file reaches the maximum number of transactions, Integration Server creates a new file.
*watt.server.transaction.xastore.performXALogging Specifies whether or not Integration Server writes transaction information to the XA recovery store. Set to true to instruct Integration Server to log information about the state and progress of each XA transaction. Set to false to instruct Integration Server to skip logging XA transaction information. The default is true.
* Specifies the number of attempts made by Integration Server in publishing a guaranteed document to a Universal Messaging server, after the initial attempt at publishing fails because of a transaction failure.
* Determines the information that is written to the Universal Messaging client log file, called umClient.log. Each level outputs log entries with that level or higher. Valid values are trace, debug, info, warn, error, fatal, and off. The default is error.
* Maximum size, in MB, of the Universal Messaging client log file. When this size is reached, Integration Server rolls the file over to a backup called umClient (number).log and creates a new file.
* Number of backup log files to keep on disk when using log rolling for the Universal Messaging client log file.
Changed Parameters
* Now, when this parameter is set to true, Integration Server allows parallel downloads from multiple FTP sessions. When this parameter is set to false, Integration Server does not allow parallel downloads and reuses the same FTP session. The default is false.
* To make it easier to specify a long list of allowed cipher suites, Integration Server now allows specifying a file as the value for this parameter.
* To make it easier to specify a long list of allowed cipher suites, Integration Server now allows specifying a file as the value for this parameter.
* To make it easier to specify a long list of allowed cipher suites, Integration Server now allows specifying a file as the value for this parameter.
* The default value of this parameter is now true, indicating that global default for outbound HTTP requests is to use JSSE. Individual outbound requests can override this setting.
* To make it easier to specify a long list of allowed cipher suites, Integration Server now allows specifying a file as the value for this parameter.
*watt.server.cors.allowedOrigins Now supports the use of regular expressions in the comma-separated list of allowed origin servers. Integration Server treats any value in the comma-separated list that begins with "r:" as a regular expression.
Removed Parameters