Integration Cloud 7.0.0 | Applications | Predefined Applications | Database | JDBC Data Type to Java Data Type Mappings | Using the SetAsString Data Type in Database Application
Using the SetAsString Data Type in Database Application
The SetAsString data type is a dummy string data type. When using this data type, Database Application does not try to convert the input data into the equivalent JDBC data type, but passes the data to the underlying database driver as a string data type. Thus, you have the flexibility to specify the format of the equivalent JDBC data type by using a database specific function.
For example, you can specify the format for date, time, or timestamp using the to_date function or a similar database function for Oracle database. Database Application treats the input data as a string data type and does not convert it to the equivalent JDBC data type. The to_date function then uses the string data to provide the required format of the date, time or timestamp.
If your database has native database specific functions that can convert string data type to any other data type, you may use the SetAsString data type.
The SetAsString data type is available only for database operations.