Supported File Types

Input Files

The following table lists the file types that the Designer can use as input. Some of the file types may have different content. The content determines which files you can generate. The actions in the context menu depend on the file type.

File Type Content Generated Files
cvm Server mapping file that completes the related IDL of the same name with server mapping information to successfully call the target RPC server customer program. Contains COBOL mapping (see Server Mapping Files for COBOL) or Natural mapping (see Server Mapping Files for Natural).  
idl Software AG IDL for RPC, see Software AG IDL File. C client, C server, Java client, Java server, Java tester, COBOL client, COBOL server, C# client, DCOM object, XMM file, PL/I client, PL/I server.
svm Server mapping files with extension .svm are no longer supported at design time by the Designer. You can still use them at runtime in a server-side mapping container. All special COBOL syntax and features supported by server mapping files with extension .svm are also covered by server mapping files with extension .cvm. See When is a Server Mapping File Required? We recommend migrating .svm files to .cvm files. See Migrating Server Mapping Files under Server Mapping Files for COBOL in the Designer documentation.  
wsdl Web service description file. IDL file, XMM mapping file.
xml XML document. IDL file, XMM mapping file.
xmm EntireX XMM file with element mapping.  
xmm EntireX XMM file with attribute mapping.  
xmm EntireX XMM file with user-defined mapping.  
xmm EntireX XMM file with SOAP mapping. WSDL file.
xsd XML Schema file. IDL file, XMM mapping file.

Output Files

The following table lists the file types generated by the Designer.

File Type Content Generated from
aar Service archive for Web Services Stack. IDL file with XML mapping.
cvm Server mapping file (Natural | COBOL) that completes the related IDL of the same name with server mapping information to successfully call the target RPC server customer program. COBOL source; Natural source.
idl Software AG IDL for RPC. Import XSD, import XML, import WSDL.
wsdl Web service description file. IDL file.
xml XML document as test document for the XML Tester. IDL file.
xmm EntireX XMM file with element mapping. IDL file with XML mapping.
xmm EntireX XMM file with attribute mapping. IDL file with XML mapping.
xmm EntireX XMM file with user-defined mapping. IDL file with XML mapping.
xmm EntireX XMM file with SOAP mapping. IDL file with XML mapping.