Administering EntireX Broker using the Command Central Command Line

This document applies to EntireX brokers under UNIX and Windows and covers the following topics:

See also Introduction and Administering EntireX Broker using the Command Central GUI.

Creating a Broker Instance

This table lists the parameters to include when creating an EntireX Broker instance, using the Command Central create instances command.

Command Parameter Value Description
create instances node_alias name Required. Specifies the alias name of the installation in which the runtime component is installed.
product EntireXBroker Required. Must be set to "EntireXBroker". name Required. Name of broker.
tcp.port 1025-65535 Required if SSL port is not set; optional if SSL port is set. TCP port number in range from 1025 to 65535.
ssl.port 1025-65535 Required if TCP port is not set; optional if TCP port is set. SSL port number in range from 1025 to 65535.
autostart yes|no Enables/disables autostart. Default is no (disabled).
security yes|no Enables/disables security. Default is no (disabled).


  • To create a new instance of EntireXBroker, with name "MyBroker", listening on port 4711, in the installation with alias name "local":

    sagcc create instances local EntireXBroker tcp.port=4711

    Information about the creation job - including the job ID - is displayed.

Configuring a Broker Instance

Here you can administer the following parameters of the EntireX Broker. The newly configured parameters will be used the next time you start the EntireX Broker.

Application Monitoring

Here you can administer the EntireX Broker Application Monitoring parameters. See Application Monitoring.

Available Application Monitoring Parameters

Parameter Value Description
Enabled true | false Enable/disable application monitoring in EntireX Broker. Default is false (disabled).
CollectorHost appmondc-host Required. The host name on which the Application Monitoring Data Collector accepts the monitoring data.
CollectorPort appmondc-port Required. The TCP/IP port on which the Application Monitoring Data Collector accepts the monitoring data.

If Enabled=true is set, the Application Monitoring will be switched on with the next broker start.

Displaying Application Monitoring Parameters

This table lists the parameters to include when displaying the application monitoring parameters of a broker, using the Command Central get configuration data command.

Command Parameter Description
get configuration data node_alias Required. Specifies the alias name of the installation in which the runtime component is installed.
componentid Required. The component identifier. The prefix is "EntireXBroker-".
instanceid Required. Must be "APPLICATION-MONITORING".
-o file Optional. Specifies the file where you want the output written.


  • To display the application monitoring parameters of the EntireX Broker with the name "MyBroker" in the installation with alias name "local":

    sagcc get configuration data local EntireXBroker-MyBroker APPLICATION-MONITORING
  • To store the application monitoring parameters of the EntireX Broker with the name "MyBroker" in the installation with alias name "local" in the file appmon.json in the current working directory:

    sagcc get configuration data local EntireXBroker-MyBroker APPLICATION-MONITORING -o appmon.json

Updating Application Monitoring Parameters

This table lists the parameters to include when updating the application monitoring parameters of a broker, using the Command Central update configuration data command.

Command Parameter Description
update configuration data node_alias Required. Specifies the alias name of the installation in which the runtime component is installed.
componentid Required. The component identifier. The prefix is "EntireXBroker-".
instanceid Required. Must be "APPLICATION-MONITORING".
-i file Optional. Specifies the file from where you want the input read.


  • To load the application monitoring parameters from the file appmon.json of the current working directory for the EntireX Broker with the name "MyBroker" in the installation with alias name "local":

    sagcc update configuration data local EntireXBroker-MyBroker APPLICATION-MONITORING -i appmon.json

Attribute File

Here you can administer the attribute file of a broker. See the Broker Attributes documentation for details of individual attributes.

Displaying the Content of the Attribute File

This table lists the parameters to include when displaying the attributes of a broker, using the Command Central get configuration data command.

Command Parameter Description
get configuration data node_alias Required. Specifies the alias name of the installation in which the runtime component is installed.
componentid Required. The component identifier. The prefix is "EntireXBroker-".
instanceid Required. Must be "ATTRIBUTE-FILE".
-o file Optional. Specifies the file where you want the output written.


  • To display the attributes of the EntireX Broker with the name "MyBroker" in the installation with alias name "local":

    sagcc get configuration data local EntireXBroker-MyBroker ATTRIBUTE-FILE
  • To store the content of the attribute file of the EntireX Broker with the name "MyBroker" in the installation with alias name "local" in the file myAttributeFile.txt in the current working directory:

    sagcc get configuration data local EntireXBroker-MyBroker ATTRIBUTE-FILE -o myAttributeFile.txt

Updating the Content of the Attribute File

This table lists the parameters to include when updating the attributes of a broker, using the Command Central update configuration data command.

Command Parameter Description
update configuration data node_alias Required. Specifies the alias name of the installation in which the runtime component is installed.
componentid Required. The component identifier. The prefix is "EntireXBroker-".
instanceid Required. Must be "ATTRIBUTE-FILE".
-i file Optional. Specifies the file from where you want the input read.


  • To load the content of the EntireX Broker attribute file myAttributeFile.txt from the current working directory into the attribute file of the EntireX Broker with the name "MyBroker" in the installation with alias name "local":

    sagcc update configuration data local EntireXBroker-MyBroker ATTRIBUTE-FILE -i myAttributeFile.txt


Here you can control the start behavior of an EntireX Broker. If Enabled=true is set, the broker starts automatically with the next system start.

Displaying the Autostart Parameter

This table lists the parameters to include when displaying the autostart parameter of a broker, using the Command Central get configuration data command.

Command Parameter Description
get configuration data node_alias Required. Specifies the alias name of the installation in which the runtime component is installed.
componentid Required. The component identifier. The prefix is "EntireXBroker-".
instanceid Required. Must be "BROKER-AUTOSTART".
-o file Optional. Specifies the file where you want the output written.


  • To display the autostart parameters of the EntireX Broker with the name "MyBroker" in the installation with alias name "local":

    sagcc get configuration data local EntireXBroker-MyBroker BROKER-AUTOSTART
  • To store the autostart parameters of the EntireX Broker with the name "MyBroker" in the installation with alias name "local" in the file autostart.json in the current working directory:

    sagcc get configuration data local EntireXBroker-MyBroker BROKER-AUTOSTART -o autostart.json

Updating the Autostart Parameter

This table lists the parameters to include when updating the autostart parameter of a broker, using the Command Central update configuration data command.

Command Parameter Description
update configuration data node_alias Required. Specifies the alias name of the installation in which the runtime component is installed.
componentid Required. The component identifier. The prefix is "EntireXBroker-".
instanceid Required. Must be "BROKER-AUTOSTART".
-i file Optional. Specifies the file from where you want the input read.


  • To load the autostart parameters from the file autostart.json of the current working directory into the attribute file of the EntireX Broker with the name "MyBroker" in the installation with alias name "local":

    sagcc update configuration data local EntireXBroker-MyBroker BROKER-AUTOSTART -i autostart.json

Monitoring KPIs

Key performance indicators (KPIs) enable you to monitor the health of your broker. Here you can administer margins of monitored KPIs available for the broker: Clients, Servers and Conversations.

Available KPIs

The following KPIs help you administer, troubleshoot, and resolve performance issues:

Parameter Value Description
ClientsMaximum 1-2147483647 Required. Maximum number of clients in graph.
ClientsCriticalPercent 1-100 Required. Critical barrier of clients in graph in %.
ClientsMarginalPercent 1-100 Required. Marginal barrier of clients in graph in %.
ServersMaximum 1-2147483647 Required. Maximum number of servers in graph.
ServersCriticalPercent 1-100 Required. Critical barrier of servers in graph in %.
ServersMarginalPercent 1-100 Required. Marginal barrier of servers in graph in %.
ConversationsMaximum 1-2147483647 Required. Maximum number of conversations in graph.
ConversationsCriticalPercent 1-100 Required. Critical barrier of conversations in graph in %.
ConversationsMarginalPercent 1-100 Required. Marginal barrier of conversations in graph in %.

Do not change the other properties!

Displaying the Monitoring KPIs

This table lists the parameters to include when displaying the monitoring KPI parameters of a broker, using the Command Central get configuration data command.

Command Parameter Description
get configuration data node_alias Required. Specifies the alias name of the installation in which the runtime component is installed.
componentid Required. The component identifier. The prefix is "EntireXBroker-".
instanceid Required. Must be "EXX-MONITORING-KPIS".
-f xml|json Required. Specifies XML or JSON as output format.
-o file Optional. Specifies the file where you want the output written.


  • To display the monitoring KPI properties of the EntireX Broker with the name "MyBroker" in the installation with alias name "local":

    sagcc get configuration data local EntireXBroker-MyBroker EXX-MONITORING-KPIS -f json
  • To store the monitoring KPI properties of the EntireX Broker with the name "MyBroker" in the installation with alias name "local" in the file MyKpis.json in the current working directory.

    sagcc get configuration data local EntireXBroker-MyBroker EXX-MONITORING-KPIS -f json -o MyKpis.json

Updating the Monitoring KPIs

This table lists the parameters to include when updating the monitoring KPI parameters of a broker, using the Command Central update configuration data command.

Command Parameter Description
update configuration data node_alias Required. Specifies the alias name of the installation in which the runtime component is installed.
componentid Required. The component identifier. The prefix is "EntireXBroker-".
instanceid Required. Must be "EXX-MONITORING-KPIS".
-i file Optional. Specifies the file from where you want the input read.


  • To load the content of the MyKpis.json file from the current working directory into the of EntireX Broker with name = "MyBroker" in the installation with alias name "local":

    sagcc update configuration data local EntireXBroker-MyBroker EXX-MONITORING-KPIS -i MyKpis.json

Persistent Store

Here you can administer the EntireX Broker persistent store parameters. See Broker-specific Attributes for description of the persistent store parameters. The new parameters will be used with the next broker start.

Available Persistent Store Parameters

Parameter Value Description
Enabled true | false Enable/disable the persistent store in EntireX Broker. Default is false (disabled). See Concepts of Persistent Messaging.
PStore COLD | HOT Defines the status of the persistent store at broker startup, including the condition of persistent units of work (UOWs):
COLD - Default. Persistent UOWs are not restored during initialization, and the persistent store is considered empty.
HOT - Persistent UOWs are restored to their prior state during initialization.
PStoreType CTREE | ADABAS The type of persistent store driver required:
CTREE - Default. c-tree database.
ADABAS - Adabas database.
PStoreAdabasDBID dbid Required for type ADABAS. The ID of the Adabas database where the persistent store resides.
PStoreAdabasFNR fnr Required for type ADABAS. The file number of the broker persistent store file.

Displaying the Persistent Store Parameters

This table lists the parameters to include when displaying the persistent store parameters of a broker, using the Command Central get configuration data command.

Command Parameter Description
get configuration data node_alias Required. Specifies the alias name of the installation in which the runtime component is installed.
componentid Required. The component identifier. The prefix is "EntireXBroker-".
instanceid Required. Must be "BROKER-PSTORE".
-o file Optional. Specifies the file where you want the output written.


  • To display the persistent store properties of the EntireX Broker with the name "MyBroker" in the installation with alias name "local":

    sagcc get configuration data local EntireXBroker-MyBroker BROKER-PSTORE
  • To store the persistent store parameters of the EntireX Broker with the name "MyBroker" in the installation with alias name "local" in the file pstore.json in the current working directory:

    sagcc get configuration data local EntireXBroker-MyBroker BROKER-PSTORE -o pstore.json

Updating the Persistent Store Parameters

This table lists the parameters to include when updating the persistent store parameters of a broker, using the Command Central update configuration data command.

Command Parameter Description
update configuration data node_alias Required. Specifies the alias name of the installation in which the runtime component is installed.
componentid Required. The component identifier. The prefix is "EntireXBroker-".
instanceid Required. Must be "BROKER-PSTORE".
-i file Optional. Specifies the file from where you want the input read.


  • To load the parameters described in the pstore.json file from the current working directory into the attribute file of the EntireX Broker with the name "MyBroker" in the installation with alias name "local":

    sagcc update configuration data local EntireXBroker-MyBroker BROKER-PSTORE -i pstore.json

SSL Ports

Here you can administer the EntireX Broker SSL port configuration. See SSL/TLS-specific Attributes for description of parameters. The new parameters will be used with the next broker start.

Available SSL Parameters

Parameter Value Description
Enabled true | false Enable/disable the SSL port. Default is false (disabled).
Port 1025 - 65535 Required. The port number in range from 1025 to 65535.
KeyFile filename Required. The name of file that contains the broker's private key.
KeyPasswdEncrypted encrypted password Required. The encrypted password used to protect the private key.
KeyStore filename Required. The location of the store containing SSL certificate; may contain the private key.
TrustStore filename Required. The location of the store containing certificates of trust Certificate Authorities (or CAs).
ClientTrustStore filename Required. The location of the trust store used by the platform manager.

Displaying the SSL Port Configuration

This table lists the parameters to include when displaying the SSL parameters of a broker, using the Command Central get configuration data command.

Command Parameter Description
get configuration data node_alias Required. Specifies the alias name of the installation in which the runtime component is installed.
componentid Required. The component identifier. The prefix is "EntireXBroker-".
instanceid Required. Must be "SSL".
-o file Optional. Specifies the file where you want the output written.


  • To display the SSL parameters of the EntireX Broker with the name "MyBroker" in the installation with alias name "local":

    sagcc get configuration data local EntireXBroker-MyBroker SSL
  • To store the SSL parameters of the EntireX Broker with the name "MyBroker" in the installation with alias name "local" in the file ssl.json in the current working directory:

    sagcc get configuration data local EntireXBroker-MyBroker SSL -o ssl.json

Updating the SSL Port Configuration

Command Parameter Description
update configuration data node_alias Required. Specifies the alias name of the installation in which the runtime component is installed.
componentid Required. The component identifier. The prefix is "EntireXBroker-".
instanceid Required. Must be "SSL".
-i file Optional. Specifies the file from where you want the input read.


  • To load the SSL parameters described in the ssl.json file from the current working directory into the attribute file of the EntireX Broker with the name "MyBroker" in the installation with alias name "local":

    sagcc update configuration data local EntireXBroker-MyBroker SSL -i ssl.json

TCP Ports

Here you can administer the EntireX Broker TCP port configuration. See TCP/IP-specific Attributes for description of parameters. The new parameters will be used with the next broker start.

Available TCP Parameters

Parameter Value Description
Enabled true | false Enable/disable the TCP port. Default is true (enabled).
Port 1025 - 65535 Required. The port number in range from 1025 to 65535.

Displaying the TCP Port Configuration

This table lists the parameters to include when displaying TCP parameters of a broker, using the Command Central get configuration data command.

Command Parameter Description
get configuration data node_alias Required. Specifies the alias name of the installation in which the runtime component is installed.
componentid Required. The component identifier. The prefix is "EntireXBroker-".
instanceid Required. Must be "TCP".
-o file Optional. Specifies the file where you want the output written.


  • To display the TCP parameters of the EntireX Broker with the name "MyBroker" in the installation with alias name "local":

    sagcc get configuration data local EntireXBroker-MyBroker TCP
  • To store the TCP parameters of the EntireX Broker with the name "MyBroker" in the installation with alias name "local" in the file tcp.json in the current working directory:

    sagcc get configuration data local EntireXBroker-MyBroker TCP -o tcp.json

Updating the TCP Port Configuration

This table lists the parameters to include when updating TCP parameters of a broker, using the Command Central update configuration data command.

Command Parameter Description
update configuration data node_alias Required. Specifies the alias name of the installation in which the runtime component is installed.
componentid Required. The component identifier. The prefix is "EntireXBroker-".
instanceid Required. Must be "TCP".
-i file Optional. Specifies the file from where you want the input read.


  • To load the parameters described in the tcp.json file from the current working directory into the attribute fileof the EntireX Broker with the name "MyBroker" in the installation with alias name "local":

    sagcc update configuration data local EntireXBroker-MyBroker TCP -i tcp.json


Here you can administer the EntireX Security configuration. See Security-specific Attributes for description of parameters. The new parameters will be used with the next broker start.

Available Security Parameters

Parameter Value Description
Enabled true | false Enable/disable EntireX Broker Security. Default is false (disabled).
AuthType OS | LDAP Authentication Type.
Operating System - Default. Authentication is performed against the local operating system.
LDAP - Authentication and authorization are performed against the LDAP repository.
LdapUrl ldap://HostName[:PortNumber] Required for authentication type LDAP: URL of the LDAP repository.
LdapDn string Required for authentication type LDAP: The distinguished name of user for authenticated access to the LDAP server.
Default value: cn=admin,dc=software-ag,dc=de

Displaying the Security Parameters

This table lists the parameters to include when displaying security parameters of a broker, using the Command Central get configuration data command.

Command Parameter Description
get configuration data node_alias Required. Specifies the alias name of the installation in which the runtime component is installed.
componentid Required. The component identifier. The prefix is "EntireXBroker-".
instanceid Required. Must be "BROKER-SECURITY".
-o file Optional. Specifies the file where you want the output written.


  • To display the broker security parameters of the EntireX Broker with the name "MyBroker" in the installation with alias name "local":

    sagcc get configuration data local EntireXBroker-MyBroker BROKER-SECURITY
  • To store the security parameters of the EntireX Broker with the name "MyBroker" in the installation with alias name "local" in the file security.json in the current working directory:

    sagcc get configuration data local EntireXBroker-MyBroker BROKER-SECURITY -o security.json

Updating the Security Parameters

This table lists the parameters to include when updating security parameters of a broker, using the Command Central update configuration data command.

Command Parameter Description
update configuration data node_alias Required. Specifies the alias name of the installation in which the runtime component is installed.
componentid Required. The component identifier. The prefix is "EntireXBroker-".
instanceid Required. Must be "BROKER-SECURITY".
-i file Optional. Specifies the file from where you want the input read.


  • To load the parameters described in the security.json file from the current working directory into the attribute fileof the EntireX Broker with the name "MyBroker" in the installation with alias name "local":

    sagcc update configuration data local EntireXBroker-MyBroker BROKER-SECURITY -i security.json

Trace Level

Here you can administer the EntireX Broker trace level configuration. The new trace level will be used with the next broker start. See also Changing the Trace Level Temporarily.

Available Parameters

Parameter Value Description
TraceLevel 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 One of the following levels:
0 - Default. No tracing.
1 - Incoming request, outgoing replies, resource usage and conversion errors if SAGTRPC is used.
2 - All of trace level 1, plus all main routines executed.
3 - All of trace level 2, plus all routines executed.
4 - All of trace level 3, plus EntireX Broker ACI control block displays.

Displaying the Trace Level Configuration

This table lists the parameters to include when displaying the trace level of a broker, using the Command Central get configuration data command.

Command Parameter Description
get configuration data node_alias Required. Specifies the alias name of the installation in which the runtime component is installed.
componentid Required. The component identifier. The prefix is "EntireXBroker-".
instanceid Required. Must be "BROKER-TRACELEVEL".
-o file Optional. Specifies the file where you want the output written.


  • To display the trace level configuration parameters of the EntireX Broker with the name "MyBroker" in the installation with alias name "local":

    sagcc get configuration data local EntireXBroker-MyBroker BROKER-TRACELEVEL
  • To store the trace configuration parameters of the EntireX Broker with the name "MyBroker" in the installation with alias name "local" in the file trace.json of the current working directory:

    sagcc get configuration data local EntireXBroker-MyBroker BROKER-TRACELEVEL -o trace.json

Updating the Trace Level

This table lists the parameters to include when updating the trace level of a broker, using the Command Central update configuration data command.

Command Parameter Description
update configuration data node_alias Required. Specifies the alias name of the installation in which the runtime component is installed.
componentid Required. The component identifier. The prefix is "EntireXBroker-".
instanceid Required. Must be "BROKER-TRACELEVEL".
-i file Optional. Specifies the file from where you want the input read.


  • To load the parameters described in the trace.json file from the current working directory into the attribute file of the EntireX Broker with the name "MyBroker" in the installation with alias name "local":

    sagcc update configuration data local EntireXBroker-MyBroker BROKER-TRACELEVEL -i trace.json

Trace Location

Here you can administer the EntireX Broker trace location configuration. This specifies the directory that contains the EntireX Broker trace file. The new trace location will be used with the next broker start.

Available Parameters

Parameter Value Description
TraceLocation string The location of the EntireX Broker trace file. If left empty, the default location in your EntireX installation is used.

Displaying the Trace Location Configuration

This table lists the parameters to include when displaying the trace location of a broker, using the Command Central get configuration data command.

Command Parameter Description
get configuration data node_alias Required. Specifies the alias name of the installation in which the runtime component is installed.
componentid Required. The component identifier. The prefix is "EntireXBroker-".
instanceid Required. Must be "BROKER-TRACELOCATION".
-o file Optional. Specifies the file where you want the output written.


  • To display the trace location configuration parameters of the EntireX Broker with the name "MyBroker" in the installation with alias name "local":

    sagcc get configuration data local EntireXBroker-MyBroker BROKER-TRACELOCATION
  • To store the trace location configuration parameters of the EntireX Broker with the name "MyBroker" in the installation with alias name "local" in the file trace.json of the current working directory:

    sagcc get configuration data local EntireXBroker-MyBroker BROKER-TRACELOCATION -o trace.json

Updating the Trace Location

This table lists the parameters to include when updating the trace location of a broker, using the Command Central update configuration data command.

Command Parameter Description
update configuration data node_alias Required. Specifies the alias name of the installation in which the runtime component is installed.
componentid Required. The component identifier. The prefix is "EntireXBroker-".
instanceid Required. Must be "BROKER-TRACELOCATION".
-i file Optional. Specifies the file from where you want the input read.


  • To load the parameters described in the trace.json file from the current working directory into the attribute file of the EntireX Broker with the name "MyBroker" in the installation with alias name "local":

    sagcc update configuration data local EntireXBroker-MyBroker BROKER-TRACELOCATION -i trace.json

Displaying the EntireX Inventory

Listing all Inventory Components

This table lists the parameters to include, when listing all EntireX instances, using the Command Central list inventory components command.

Command Parameter Description
list inventory components node_alias Required. Specifies the alias name of the installation in which the runtime component is installed.
componentid Required. The component identifier. The prefix is "EntireXBroker-".


  • To list inventory components of instance EntireX Broker in the installation with alias name "local":

    sagcc list inventory components local EntireXBroker*

    A list of all EntireX Broker runtime components will be displayed.

Viewing the Runtime Status

This table lists the parameters to include when displaying the state of an EntireX component, using the Command Central get monitoring state command.

Command Argument Description
sagcc get monitoring state componentid Required. The component identifier. The prefix is "EntireXBroker-".


  • To display state information about the EntireX Broker "MyBroker" in the installation with alias name "local":

    sagcc get monitoring state local EntireXBroker-MyBroker

Starting a Broker Instance

This table lists the parameters to include when starting an EntireX component, using the Command Central exec lifecycle command.

Command Parameter Description
exec lifecycle node_alias Required. Specifies the alias name of the installation in which the runtime component is installed.
componentid Required. The component identifier. The prefix is "EntireXBroker-".


  • To start the EntireX Broker component "MyBroker" in the installation with alias name "local":

    sagcc exec lifecycle start local EntireXBroker-MyBroker

    Information about the job - including the job ID - will be displayed.

Stopping a Broker Instance

This table lists the parameters to include when stopping an EntireX component, using the Command Central exec lifecycle command.

Command Parameter Description
exec lifecycle node_alias Required. Specifies the alias name of the installation in which the runtime component is installed.
componentid Required. The component identifier. The prefix is "EntireXBroker-".


  • To stop the EntireX Broker component MyBroker, in the installation with alias name "local":

    sagcc exec lifecycle stop local EntireXBroker-MyBroker

    Information about the job - including the job ID - will be displayed.

Restarting a Broker Instance

This table lists the parameters to include when restarting an EntireX component, using the Command Central exec lifecycle command.

Command Parameter Description
exec lifecycle node_alias Required. Specifies the alias name of the installation in which the runtime component is installed.
componentid Required. The component identifier. The prefix is "EntireXBroker-".


  • To restart the EntireX Broker component "MyBroker" in the installation with alias name "local":

    sagcc exec lifecycle restart local EntireXBroker-MyBroker

    Information about the job - including the job ID - will be displayed.

Inspecting the Log Files

Here you can view, get the content of, or download the EntireX Broker log files. This table lists the parameters to include when displaying or modifying parameters of an EntireX component, using the Command Central list diagnostics logs command.

Listing all EntireX Broker Log Files

Command Parameter Description
list diagnostics logs node_alias Required. Specifies the alias name of the installation in which the runtime component is installed.
componentid Required. The component identifier. The prefix is "EntireXBroker-".


  • To list the log files of the EntireX Broker with the name "MyBroker" in the installation with alias name "local":

    sagcc list diagnostics logs local EntireXBroker-MyBroker

Getting Content from or Downloading EntireX Broker Log Files

Command Parameter Description
get diagnostics logs node_alias Required. Specifies the alias name of the installation in which the runtime component is installed.
componentid Required. The component identifier. The prefix is "EntireXBroker-".
full | tail | head Optional. Shows full log file content, or only tail or head.
export -o file Optional. Creates a zip file of the logs.


  • To list the tail of the log file MyBroker.log of the EntireX Broker with the name "MyBroker" in the installation with alias name "local":

    sagcc get diagnostics logs local EntireXBroker-MyBroker MYBROKER.log tail
  • To create and download a zip file of the logs of the EntireX Broker with the name "MyBroker" in the installation with alias name "local".

    sagcc get diagnostics logs local EntireXBroker-MyBroker export -o

Displaying the Statistics

Displaying the General Statistics of a Running EntireX Broker

Here you can display the current statistics of a running EntireX Broker.

Command Parameter Description
get administration component Specifies that a component will be administered.
node_alias Required. Specifies the alias name of the installation in which the runtime component is installed.
componentid Required. The component identifier. The prefix is "EntireXBroker-".
Statistics Required. Specifies what is to be administered.
loadStatisticGeneral Required. Get the general settings.
-f xml|json Required. Specifies XML or JSON as output format.
-o file Optional. Specifies the file where you want the output written.


  • To display the current general setting of the running EntireX Broker with the name 'MyBroker' in the installation with alias name 'local'.broker in JSON format on stdout:

    sagcc get administration component local EntireXBroker-MyBroker Statistics loadStatisticGeneral -f json
  • To display the current general setting of the running EntireX Broker with the name 'MyBroker' in the installation with alias name 'local' in XML format on stdout:

    sagcc get administration component local EntireXBroker-MyBroker Statistics loadStatisticGeneral -f xml

Displaying the UOW (Unit of Work) Statistics of a Running EntireX Broker

Here you can display the current UOW statistics of a running EntireX Broker. The UOW statistics are summarized per service.

The returned value "UOWStatusFailed" represents the sum of UOW status "backed-out", "cancelled", "timeout" and "discarded".

Command Parameter Description
get administration component Specifies that a component will be administered.
node_alias Required. Specifies the alias name of the installation in which the runtime component is installed.
componentid Required. The component identifier. The prefix is "EntireXBroker-".
Statistics Required. Specifies what is to be administered.
loadStatisticUow Required. Get the statistics of UOW usage.
-f xml|json Required. Specifies XML or JSON as output format.
-o file Optional. Specifies the file where you want the output written.


  • To display the current UOW statistics of the running EntireX Broker with the name 'MyBroker' in the installation with alias name 'local'.broker in JSON format on stdout:

    sagcc get administration component local EntireXBroker-MyBroker Statistics loadStatisticUow -f json
  • To display the current UOW statistics of the running EntireX Broker with the name 'MyBroker' in the installation with alias name 'local' in XML format on stdout:

    sagcc get administration component local EntireXBroker-MyBroker Statistics loadStatisticUow -f xml

Administering Services

Here you can view and control EntireX Broker Services. This table lists the parameters to include when displaying or modifying parameters of a broker, using the Command Central list administration command. This section covers the following topics:

List Running Services

Command Parameter Description
list administration component Specifies that a component will be administered.
node_alias Required. Specifies the alias name of the installation in which the runtime component is installed.
componentid Required. The component identifier. The prefix is "EntireXBroker-".
Services Required. Specifies what is to be administered.
listServices Required. List all services.
-f xml|json Required. Specifies XML or JSON as output format.


  • To display a list of services of the running EntireX Broker with the name "MyBroker" in the installation with alias name "local".broker in JSON format:

    sagcc list administration component local EntireXBroker-MyBroker Services listServices -f json
  • To store a list of services of the EntireX Broker with the name "MyBroker" in the installation with alias name "local" in JSON format in the file services.json of the current working directory:

    sagcc list administration component local EntireXBroker-MyBroker Services listServices -o services.json

Stop Running Services

Command Parameter Description
exec administration component Specifies that a component will be administered.
node_alias Required. Specifies the alias name of the installation in which the runtime component is installed.
componentid Required. The component identifier. The prefix is "EntireXBroker-".
Services Required. Specifies what is to be administered.
stopService Required. Stop a service.
serviceName Required. Name of a service to stop in format class/server/service
-f xml|json Required. Specifies XML or JSON as output format.


  • To stop all servers of the service RPC/SRV1/CALLNAT of the EntireX Broker with the name "MyBroker" in the installation with alias name "local":

    sagcc exec administration component local EntireXBroker-MyBroker Services stopService serviceName=RPC/SRV1/CALLNAT -f text

List Server Instances

Command Parameter Description
list administration component Specifies that a component will be administered.
node_alias Required. Specifies the alias name of the installation in which the runtime component is installed.
componentid Required. The component identifier. The prefix is "EntireXBroker-".
Services Required. Specifies what is to be administered.
listServers Required. List all servers.
serviceName Required. Shows only servers of this service. Format: class/server/service
-f xml|json Required. Specifies XML or JSON as output format.


  • To display a list of servers of the current service of the EntireX Broker with the name "MyBroker" in the installation with alias name "local" in XML format:

    sagcc list administration component local EntireXBroker-MyBroker Services listServers serviceName=RPC/SRV1/CALLNAT -f xml
  • To store a list of servers in JSON format in the file services.json of the current working directory:

    sagcc list administration component local EntireXBroker-MyBroker Services listServers serviceName=RPC/SRV1/CALLNAT -o server.json

Changing the Trace Level Temporarily

Here you can temporarily change the trace level of a running EntireX Broker. This table lists the parameters to include when displaying or modifying parameters of an EntireX component, using the Command Central exec administration command. The change is effective immediately; there is no need to restart the EntireX Broker.

If you want to set the trace level permanently, see Trace Level under Configuring a Broker Instance.

Displaying the Trace Level of a Running EntireX Broker

Command Parameter Description
exec administration component Required. Specifies that a component will be administered.
node_alias Required. Specifies the alias name of the installation in which the runtime component is installed.
componentid Required. The component identifier. The prefix is "EntireXBroker-".
Trace Required. Specifies what is to be administered.
load tracelevel=? Required. Get the trace level.
-f xml|json Required. Specifies XML or JSON as output format.


  • To display the current tracelevel of the running EntireX Broker with the name "MyBroker" in the installation with alias name "local" in JSON format on stdout:

    sagcc get administration component local EntireXBroker-MyBroker Trace load -f json
  • To display the current trace level of the running EntireX Broker with the name "MyBroker" in the installation with alias name "local" in XML format on stdout:

    sagcc get administration component local EntireXBroker-MyBroker Trace load -f xml

Updating the Trace Level of a Running EntireX Broker

Command Parameter Description
exec administration component Required. Specifies that a component will be administered.
node_alias Required. Specifies the alias name of the installation in which the runtime component is installed.
componentid Required. The component identifier. The prefix is "EntireXBroker-".
Trace Required. Specifies what is to be administered.
update tracelevel Required. Update temporarily the trace level of a running broker.
-f xml|json Required. Specifies XML or JSON as output format.


  • To change the current trace level of the running EntireX Broker with the name "MyBroker" in the installation with alias name "local":

    sagcc exec administration component local EntireXBroker-MyBroker Trace update tracelevel=2 -f json

Changing the Application Monitoring Settings Dynamically

Here you can dynamically set and persistently store the EntireX Broker Application Monitoring parameters. This table lists the parameters to include when displaying or modifying parameters of an EntireX component, using the Command Central get administration and exec administration commands. The change is effective immediately; there is no need to restart the EntireX Broker.

Displaying the Application Monitoring Settings of a Running EntireX Broker

Command Parameter Description
get administration component Required. Specifies that a component will be administered.
node_alias Required. Specifies the alias name of the installation in which the runtime component is installed.
componentid Required. The component identifier. The prefix is "EntireXBroker-".
Appmon Required. Specifies what is to be administered.
load Required. Get the application monitoring settings.
-a xml|json Required. Specifies XML or JSON as output format.
-o file Optional. Specifies the file where you want the output written.


  • To display the current application monitoring settings of the running EntireX Broker with the name "MyBroker" in the installation with alias name "local" in JSON format on stdout:

    sagcc get administration component local EntireXBroker-MyBroker Appmon load -a json
  • To display the current application monitoring settings of the running EntireX Broker with the name "MyBroker" in the installation with alias name "local" in XML format on stdout:

    sagcc get administration component local EntireXBroker-MyBroker Appmon load -a xml

Updating the Application Monitoring Settings of a Running EntireX Broker

Command Parameter Description
exec administration component Required. Specifies that a component will be administered.
node_alias Required. Specifies the alias name of the installation in which the runtime component is installed.
componentid Required. The component identifier. The prefix is "EntireXBroker-".
Appmon Required. Specifies what is to be administered.
update enabled
Required. Update the application monitoring settings of a running broker.


  • To change the current application monitoring settings of the running EntireX Broker with the name "MyBroker" in the installation with alias name "local":

    sagcc exec administration component local EntireXBroker-MyBroker Appmon update enabled=true collectorHost=newhost collectorport=12345

Deleting a Broker Instance

This table lists the parameters to include when deleting an EntireX Broker instance, using the Command Central delete instances command.

Command Parameter Description
delete instances node_alias Required. Specifies the alias name of the installation in which the runtime component is installed.
componentid Required. The component identifier. The prefix is "EntireXBroker-".


  • To delete an instance of an EntireX Broker with the name "MyBroker" in the installation with alias name "local":

    sagcc delete instances local EntireXBroker-MyBroker

    Information about the deletion job - including the job ID - is displayed.


If you have already defined a broker and an empty list is returned or you receive an unexpected message such as "connection refused", one possible cause is that the Broker Administration Service is not running and needs to be restarted.

Restarting the Broker Administration Service

  • Windows
    Select the broker instance with Administration Tools > Services > Software AG EntireX Broker Admin 10.5 <installation_number>, and from the context menu choose Stop then Start or Restart

  • UNIX
    In directory <inst_root>/EntireX/bin, execute the following commands:

    sagexx105 stop


    sagexx105 start


    sagexx105 restart