Introduction to Writing Applications with the XML/SOAP Wrapper

This document covers the following topics:

Connecting between XML-based Clients and an EntireX RPC Server


Publish an Existing EntireX RPC Server for XML-based Clients

You have an existing EntireX RPC server and want to extend its availability to XML-based clients (e.g. offer the functionality of your server as a web service). The simplest approach is to use the EntireX XML/SOAP Wrapper to convert your XML documents to EntireX RPCs and vice versa. Then the XML-based client will appear to communicate with an XML-based server.

See Connect an Existing EntireX RPC Server with an XML-based Client.

Use your XML-based Client and Connect to an EntireX RPC Server

You have an XML-based client that is to communicate with an EntireX RPC server or access a component accessible via an EntireX RPC server. The simplest approach is to use the EntireX XML/SOAP Wrapper to convert your XML documents to EntireX RPCs and vice versa. Then an XML-based client will appear to communicate with an XML-based server (your EntireX RPC server).

See Build an EntireX RPC Server and Use an Existing XML-based Client with It.

Connecting EntireX Clients and XML-based Server


Involve an XML-based Server in your EntireX Application

You know or have written XML-based servers (e.g. web services) and want to involve them in your EntireX application. The simplest approach is to use the EntireX RPC Server for XML/SOAP to convert your EntireX RPCs to XML documents and vice versa; the EntireX RPC Server for XML/SOAP handles the HTTP communication.

See Build an EntireX RPC Client and Use an Existing XML-based Server.

Connect your RPC Client and the XML-based Server

You have an EntireX RPC client and want to implement your server application as an XML-based server and you want the EntireX RPC client to use this XML-based server. The simplest approach is to use the EntireX RPC Server for XML/SOAP to convert your EntireX RPCs to XML documents and vice versa; the EntireX RPC Server for XML/SOAP will handle the HTTP communication.

See Connect an Existing EntireX RPC Client to an XML-based Server.