Using the IDL Extractor for PL/I in Command-line Mode

Command-line Options

See Using EntireX in the Designer Command-line Mode for the general command-line syntax.

Task Command Option Description
Extract the PL/I source objects from an RPC Extractor Service. -extract:pli -brokerpassword Password used for broker authentication.
-brokeruser User used for broker authentication.
-environment Name of the environment or an RPC server description.
-filter Filter the PL/I source objects. Show those objects which match the pattern.
-help Display this usage message.
-ims Name of the file with the names of the IMS PSB parameters.
-project Name of the project or subfolder where the IDL file is stored.
-rpcpassword Password used for RPC server authentication.
-rpcuser User used for RPC server authentication.
-source A PL/I source object in the environment.
List the PL/I source objects on an RPC Extractor Service. -list:pli -brokerpassword Password used for broker authentication.
-brokeruser User used for broker authentication.
-environment Name of the environment or an RPC server description.
-filter Filter the PL/I source objects. Show those objects which match the pattern.
-help Display this usage message.
-rpcpassword Password used for RPC server authentication.
-rpcuser User used for RPC server authentication.
-source A PL/I source object in the environment.


<workbench> -extract:pli -environment pliBroker:2006@RPC/PLISRV1/EXTRACTOR -project /Demo -source PLI.DATA.SET -filter PLISRC1

where <workbench> is a placeholder for the actual EntireX design-time starter as described under Using EntireX in the Designer Command-line Mode.

The extracted Software AG IDL file will be stored in the project Demo.

If the environment name is not a defined RPC environment in the current workspace, the name will be interpreted as a Broker ID and RPC server address (brokerID@serverAddress).

The source specifies a data set name, and the optional filter defines the member name. Simple wildcard notation with an asterisk (*) can be used at the end of these names.

Status and processing messages are written to standard output (stdout), which is normally set to the executing shell window.