Parameter Reference


The encoding configured for the Java virtual machine (JVM) is used to convert the Unicode (UTF-16) representation within Java to the encoding sent to or received from the broker by default. This encoding is also transferred as the codepage to the broker to tell the broker the encoding of the data. Changing the default encoding of the JVM has the side effect that the encoding for terminal and file IO is affected too. This may be undesired.

With the codepage parameter you can override the encoding without the need to change the default encoding of the JVM. The codepage must be supported by your JVM. For a list of valid encodings, see Supported Encodings in your Java documentation.

See your JVM documentation for how to change the default encoding of the JVM. On some JVM implementations, it can be changed with the file.encoding property. On some Linux implementations, it can be changed with the LANG environment variable.

Enable character conversion in the broker by setting the service-specific attribute CONVERSION to "SAGTRPC". See also Configuring ICU Conversion under z/OS | Linux | Windows | BS2000. More information can be found under Internationalization with EntireX.