EntireX CICS® Socket Listener

The EntireX CICS® Socket Listener is a remote connector on z/OS or z/VSE to call CICS mainframe programs.

For configuration, refer to Preparing for CICS Socket Listener (EntireX Adapter | RPC Server for CICS Socket Listener).

Execute job EXPINSTL located in the EXX109 data set. This will install the CICS Socket Listener with all relevant CSD entries. This job:

  • installs the load modules EXXRFEC, EXXRFECX, EXXRFECU, EXXRFECA and EXXRFECS

  • creates the following CICS CSD definitions:

    • program definitions for the load modules EXXRFEC, EXXRFECX, EXXRFECU, EXXRFECA and EXXRFECS, where definition for EXXRFECS needs EXECKEY(CICS)

    • transaction XRFE, which is the standard transaction name that can be maintained with the RPC Server or Adapter configuration. If you need to change this CSD entry default, you also need to adapt the configuration parameter CICS transaction ID. More information:

Start of instruction setTo run the CICS programs in a separate user transaction

  1. Define your user transaction ID in the RPC Server for CICS Socket Listener, for example:


    For more information see Configuring the CICS Socket Listener Side in the RPC Server for CICS Socket Listener documentation.

  2. Create the CSD for the user transaction ID.

  3. In this CSD definition, specify EXXRFECU for the PROGRAM attribute. To define, for example, UTSK as user transaction ID, use the following commands:

    DESCRIPTION(CICS Socket Listener user transaction)

The CICS Socket Listener is also installed along with the RPC Server for CICS, job EXPINSTA located in EXX109 data set. See Installing the RPC Server for CICS.