Class XMLRPCService

  • public final class XMLRPCService
    extends RPCService
    XMLRPCService extends com.softwareag.entirex.aci.RPCService. In general, an XMLRPCService object is instantiated by a Broker object, a server address and an XMM file.
    To create an EntireX RPC which will send input XML data and retrieve output XML data, one of the invokeXML methods can be used on an XMLRPCService object.
    • Field Detail


        public static final java.lang.String PROPERTY_THROW_JAVA_EXCEPTION
        Indicates if a java exception is thrown or a fault document is returned.
      • yes = java exception is thrown (default)
      • no = fault document is generated and returned.
See Also:
Constant Field Values
See Also:
Constant Field Values