Using EntireX Custom Wrappers

The EntireX Custom Wrappers are user-configurable, template-based wrappers and need:

  • a Software AG IDL file

  • a template (for example, client or server)

  • the IDL Compiler

Naturally, existing .plugin files from former EntireX installations, called Designer Plug-ins, can be migrated. The Custom Wrapper definitions are stored in the current Eclipse workspace and can be managed in the preferences. Any changes in the Custom Wrapper definitions require a restart of the Designer to take effect. This document covers the following topics:

Define EntireX Custom Wrappers

The EntireX Custom Wrappers are managed in the Custom Wrapper preferences page.

The central panel lists all known (active or inactive) Custom Wrappers, that is, all Custom Wrappers that are found in the current workspace. You can create a new empty Custom Wrapper, copy, edit or remove an existing Custom Wrapper or migrate your existing .plugin file from a former EntireX installation.


Creating a New Custom Wrapper

Start of instruction setTo create a new Custom Wrapper

  1. Choose Insert...


  2. Enter the fields. The Name is a required field and must be unique, because it is the identifier for the Custom Wrapper. This name occurs on the Custom Wrapper Properties page and will be used for the command line with the prefix minus sign.

    Field Description
    Name Used as the Custom Wrapper menu item text.
    Author and Copyright Important if you want to share your Custom Wrapper with other users.
    Template Name of the template file to be used by the Software AG IDL Compiler. Use a fully qualified file name.
    Command Executable command file name. Default is empty and means the Software AG IDL Compiler will be executed.
    Options Batch parameters. They are sent to the Software AG IDL Compiler.
    Parameter Parameters (constant or modifiable) to call the Custom Wrapper.
  3. Optionally, add some parameters as described in the following sections.

Start of instruction setTo add parameters

  • Choose Add...

    A new dialog with default values is displayed. See section Parameters for a description of the individual fields. Modifiable parameters automatically appear with an appropriate label and GUI widget on the Custom Wrapper IDL properties tab.


Start of instruction setTo edit parameters (see Parameters)

  1. Select the parameter to edit in the table.

  2. Choose Edit...


    Double click on the parameter in the table.

    A new dialog with the current parameter values is displayed. See section Parameters for a description of the individual fields. For all strings in the fields Type Values and Parameter Value, you can also use wildcards. Wildcards are like variables for actual values that may change with the platform or in other properties tabs. See the list of Wildcards.

  3. Choose OK to save your entries and close the dialog or Cancel to close the dialog without saving.

Start of instruction setTo remove parameters

  1. Select the parameters to remove in the table.

  2. Choose Remove.

    Multiple selections are possible.

Start of instruction setTo change the parameter order

  1. Select the parameter to edit in the table.

  2. Use the Up and Down buttons to change the order of the parameters.


Parameters consist of the following fields:

Field Purpose
Parameter The parameter identifier, as required by the erxidl template (must not contain whitespace characters; often in uppercase).
Description The textual description of this parameter, as displayed in the associated Custom Wrapper IDL properties tab. Human-readable, may contain whitespace characters and short examples.
Type Dialog box of possible GUI representations of the Parameter Values.
Type Values The possible values that may be assigned to the parameter, in the form <parametername>=<value>. Values are separated by a semicolon.
Parameter Value Default value for the GUI representation, must be one of the values listed in the Type Values field.
Global Flag for the parameter value. True (default) means the parameter value is for all IDL files, false means the parameter value is IDL specific (stored in IDL properties).

Parameter Values

Parameter "types" are GUI representations of the parameter values in the IDL properties tab for this Custom Wrapper. They can be:

Entry Purpose, Usage
Check box Will draw a check box in the Custom Wrapper IDL properties tab. Type Values must have two values, separated by a semicolon. The first value is taken if the check box is checked, the second value is taken if the check box is cleared.
Combo box Will draw a combo box (drop-down list) in the Custom Wrapper IDL properties tab. Type Values must have at least one entry, or multiple entries separated by semicolon. An entry may be:
  • a simple string (without the "=" character), which is displayed as an entry in the box and is sent to the Software AG IDL Compiler.

  • a pair "<val>=<string>", where <string> is displayed in the combo box, but <val> is sent to the Software AG IDL Compiler.

Constant Will not generate a GUI element in the associated IDL properties tab. Type Values just has one string, which is sent to the Software AG IDL Compiler.
Text Will show a text field in the associated Custom Wrapper IDL properties tab. The text field content is taken for the Software AG IDL Compiler command-line construction. If whitespace characters are typed in the text field, the Software AG IDL Compiler command-line portion is protected by double quotes. Type values may contain a string representing as default value for the text field.


Wildcards start with the % (percent sign). Implemented wildcards:

Wildcard Name Purpose Example Value
%brokerid Get the Broker ID from the General tab. localhost:1971
%server Get the server address from the General tab. RPC/SRV1/CALLNAT
%serverclass Get the server class identifier from the General tab. RPC
%servername Get the server name from the General tab. SRV1
%service Get the service identifier from the General tab. CALLNAT
%idlfile Get the current IDL file (as absolute path name) as selected in the Designer. C:\Examples\example.idl
%idlname Get the current IDL file (just the file name with extension, no path) as selected in the Designer. example.idl
%pureidlname Get the current IDL file name without path and without the file extension. example
%idlpath Get the current IDL file path (without the IDL file name) as selected in the Designer. C:\Examples
%xmlfile Get the current XML mapping file name from the XML tab. C:\Examples\example.xmm
%msdotnetenv Path of Microsoft Visual Studio environment as set in the Tools Options menu item. C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10 \Common7\IDE\
%netfrmdir Path for installation of the .NET framework. C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\ v2.0.50727
%version Get the EntireX version. 10.8
%osname Get the operating system name, taken from the Java system property Windows Server 2019
%osarch Get the operating system architecture, taken from the Java system property os.arch. x86
%osversion Get the operating system version, taken from the Java system property os.version. 5.1
%fileseparator Get the platform-specific file separator character, taken from the Java system property file.separator. \
%fileencoding Get the platform-specific file encoding, taken from the Java system property file.encoding. Cp1252
%pathseparator Get the platform-specific path separator character, taken from the Java system property path.separator. ;
%username Get the current user name, taken from the Java system property administrator
%userhome Get the assigned user home directory, taken from the Java system property user.home. C:\Documents and Settings\administrator
%userdir Get the current user directory, taken from the Java system property user.dir. C:\Documents and Settings\administrator\My Documents

Start of instruction setTo duplicate an existing Custom Wrapper

  1. Select the Custom Wrapper in the list.

  2. Proceed as described in Creating a New Custom Wrapper and press Duplicate instead of Insert....

    A new Custom Wrapper named Copy of <name> is displayed in the list.

  3. Modify the entries as described in Creating a New Custom Wrapper.

Start of instruction setTo edit an existing Custom Wrapper

  1. Select the Custom Wrapper in the list.

  2. Proceed as described in Creating a New Custom Wrapper and press Edit... instead of Insert....

  3. Modify the entries as described in Creating a New Custom Wrapper.

Start of instruction setTo remove an existing Custom Wrapper

  1. Select the Custom Wrapper in the list.

  2. Press Remove.

Start of instruction setTo migrate an existing .plugin file from a previous EntireX Installation

  1. Proceed as described in Creating a New Custom Wrapper and press Migrate... instead of Insert....

  2. Browse to the location of the .plugin file and select the file to migrate.

  3. In the ensuing dialog, modify the entries as described in Creating a New Custom Wrapper.

  4. Make sure the template file can be accessed correctly.

Running a Custom Wrapper

Start of instruction setTo start the Custom Wrapper in GUI

  1. Select an IDL file.

  2. Open the context menu, choose Other > Generate Via Template and select the desired item (for example, New).

When the Custom Wrapper is started, the Designer starts the Software AG IDL Compiler and feeds it with a template, the IDL file name and (optional) parameters.

The parameters are inserted for the Software AG IDL Compiler in the form <parametername>=<value>. If wildcards were used for the values, they are resolved to the actual values when the Custom Wrapper was called.

Start of instruction setTo start the Custom Wrapper in command-line mode

The command for the Custom Wrapper is -xxx, where xxx is the case-sensitive name of the Custom Wrapper. If the name contains blanks, use -"xxx".


-NEW /Demo/example.idl

The result of the Custom Wrapper is written to Standard Out.