Using the DCOM Wrapper in Command-line Mode

Command-line Options

See Using EntireX in the Designer Command-line Mode for the general command-line syntax (note that option -data is not required). The table below shows the command-line options for the DCOM Wrapper.

Task Command Option Description
Generate DCOM Wrapper objects for the specified IDL file(s). -dcom:generate -help Display this usage message.
-broker The EntireX Broker.
-server The EntireX Service.
-productversion Specify the product version. Format:
-fileversion Specify the file version. Format:
-convnpdouble Natural data types Numeric and Packed Decimal to data type double (otherwise BSTR).
-logonnaturallibrary Logon to Natural library.
-generateproxy Generate a DCOM Proxy to enable the use of DCOM.
-proxyserverlocation Specify the IP address or location name of the generated DCOM Wrapper object.
-discardexistingguids Discard all existing GUIDs.
-registerobject Register the generated DCOM Wrapper object after generating.
-enableASPScripting Create extended interface for ASP scripting support.
-stringtrimming Trim trailing space characters from string for the received string.
-exactvalue Check if data types N,P,NU or PU after converting contain the original value.
-aonames Specify the name of the registered objects. Format:
-dllnames Specify the name of DLL files. Format:
-compiler Path to the directory of your MS Visual Studio installation containing file vcvarsall.bat.
-output Directory for generated batch and other files (relative to IDL file). The location of the generated files depends on the name of the output directory.
NT Default. Batch files are generated in the same directory as IDL file; other files are generated to subdirectory NT. This was the behavior in the initial version of EntireX 9.0 or earlier.
other Batch and other files are generated in a user-defined subdirectory.

Examples for Generating DCOM

<workbench> -dcom:generate /Demo/Example.idl

where <workbench> is a placeholder for the actual EntireX design-time starter as described under Using EntireX in the Designer Command-line Mode.

The name of the IDL file includes the project name. In the example, the project Demo is used. If the IDL file name describes a file within the Eclipse workspace, the name is case-sensitive.

If the first part of the IDL file name is not a project name in the current workspace, the IDL file name is used as a relative (based on the IDL file) or absolute file name in the file system. Thus, the IDL files do not need to be part of an Eclipse project.

The generated DCOM source files will be stored in parallel to the Software AG IDL file, in the generated subfolders win32\<Library Name>, e.g. Demo\win32\EXAMPLE.

Status and processing messages are written to standard output (stdout), which is normally set to the executing shell window.

Further Examples

Example 1

<workbench> -dcom:generate C:\Temp\example.idl

Uses the IDL file C:\Temp\example.idl and generates the DCOM source files (several .bat files, the subfolders win32\EXAMPLE within the different files) in parallel to the IDL file. Slashes and backslashes are permitted in the file name. Output to standard output:

Using workspace file:/C:/myWorkspace/.
        Program   = CALC
        Program   = POWER
        Program   = HELLO
(C) Copyright Software AG 2000-2008. All rights reserved.
Set environment for MS Visual Studio C++
Exit value: 0

Example 2

<workbench> -dcom:generate -help


<workbench> -help -dcom:generate

Both show a short help for the DCOM Wrapper.