EntireX Mainframe Broker Monitoring using the Command Central Command Line

EntireX Mainframe Broker Monitoring is a package with which you can monitor EntireX Broker on mainframe platforms z/OS and BS2000. Define an instance of your mainframe broker, using Command Central under UNIX or Windows. This instance - a so-called proxy - holds connection information to the remote broker.

This document applies to EntireX Brokers under z/OS and BS2000. It covers the following topics:

See also EntireX Mainframe Broker Monitoring and EntireX Mainframe Broker Monitoring using the Command Central GUI.

Creating an EntireX Mainframe Broker Connection

Parameter Value Description
Instance instance Required. Name of the runtime component, for example "myBroker".
Transport TCP | SSL Transport over TCP or SSL. Default is TCP.
Host name Required. EntireX Broker host name or IP address. See Using the Broker ID in Applications in the ACI Programming documentation.
Port 1025-65535 Required. Port number in range from 1025 to 65535.
SslTrustStore filename Optional. Specifies the location of the SSL trust store.
SslVerifyServer true | false Optional. The RPC server as SSL client checks the identity of the broker as SSL server. Default is true.
User user Optional. The user ID for secured access to the broker.
Password password Optional. The password for secured access to the broker.
Command Parameter Description
sagcc create configuration data node_alias Required. Specifies the alias name of the installation in which the broker connection is installed.
componentid Required. Must be EntireXMainframeProxy-Administration.
instanceid Required. Must be EXX-BROKER.
-i file Required. Specifies the file from where you want the input read.


  • To create a new instance of "EntireX Mainframe Broker", with the name "MyBroker" in the installation with alias name "local" from the file MyBroker.json in the current working directory:

    sagcc create configuration data local EntireXMainframeProxy-Administration EXX-BROKER -i MyBroker.json
    "Instance": "MyBroker",
    "Transport": "TCP",
    "Host": "mainframeHost",
    "Port": "4713",
    "SslTrustStore": "",
    "SslVerifyServer": "false",
    "User": "",
    "Password": ""

Displaying the EntireX Mainframe Broker Connection

The following table lists the parameters to include when listing all EntireX instances, using the Command Central list inventory commands.

Command Parameter Description
sagcc list inventory components node_alias Required. Specifies the alias name of the installation in which the broker connection is installed.
componentid Required. The component identifier. The prefix is "EntireXMainframeProxy-Broker-".


  • To list EntireX Mainframe Broker Connection components in the installation with alias name "local":

    sagcc list inventory components local EntireXMainframeProxy-Broker-*

A list of all EntireX Mainframe Broker Connection components will be displayed. If the component is not valid, you will find more information in the connection.log file.

Viewing the Runtime Status

The following table lists the parameters to include when displaying the state of an EntireX Mainframe Broker component, using the Command Central get monitoring commands.

Command Parameter Description
sagcc get monitoring state node_alias Required. Specifies the alias name of the installation in which the broker connection is installed.
componentid Required. The component identifier. The prefix is "EntireXMainframeProxy-Broker-".


  • To display state information about the EntireX Mainframe Broker:

    sagcc get monitoring state local EntireXMainframeProxy-Broker-MyBroker

    Runtime status and runtime state will be displayed.

    • Runtime status indicates whether a runtime component is running, unknown or down. Examples of a runtime status are UNRESPONSIVE, ONLINE, ERROR, or STOPPED. If the EntireX Mainframe Broker is detected as a non-mainframe broker, the status is shown as ERROR.

    • Runtime state indicates the health of a runtime component by providing key performance indicators (KPIs) for the component. Each KPI provides information about the current use, marginal use, critical use and maximum use.

Configuring the EntireX Mainframe Broker

Configuring the Broker Connection

The following table lists the parameters to include when updating a Broker Connection of an EntireX Mainframe Broker instance, using the Command Central update configuration commands.

Parameter Value Description
Transport TCP | SSL Transport over TCP or SSL. Default is TCP.
Host name Required. EntireX Broker host name or IP address. See Using the Broker ID in Applications in the ACI Programming documentation.
Port 1025-65535 Required. Port number in range from 1025 to 65535.
SslTrustStore filename Optional. Specifies the location of the SSL trust store.
SslVerifyServer true | false Optional. The RPC server as SSL client checks the identity of the broker as SSL server. Default is true.
User user Optional. The user ID for secured access to the broker.
Password password Optional. The password for secured access to the broker.
Command Parameter Description
sagcc update configuration data node_alias Required. Specifies the alias name of the installation in which the broker connection is installed.
componentid Required. The component identifier. The prefix is "EntireXMainframeProxy-Broker-".
instanceid Required. Must be EXX-BROKER.
-i file Required. Specifies the file from where you want the input read.


  • To update an instance of "EntireX Mainframe Broker Connection", with the name "MyBroker" in the installation with alias name "local" from the file MyBroker.json in the current working directory:

    sagcc update configuration data local EntireXMainframeProxy-Administration EXX-BROKER -i MyBroker.json
        "Transport": "TCP",
        "Host": "mainframeHost",
        "Port": "9999",
        "SslTrustStore": "",
        "SslVerifyServer": "false",
        "User": "",
        "Password": ""

Configuring the Monitoring KPIs

The following table lists the parameters to include when updating the Monitoring KPIs of an EntireX Mainframe Broker instance, using the Command Central update configuration commands.

Parameter Value Description
ClientsMaximum 1-2147483647 Required. Maximum number of clients in graph.
ClientsCriticalPercent 1-100 Required. Critical barrier of clients in graph in %.
ClientsMarginalPercent 1-100 Required. Marginal barrier of clients in graph in %.
ServersMaximum 1-2147483647 Required. Maximum number of servers in graph.
ServersCriticalPercent 1-100 Required. Critical barrier of servers in graph in %.
ServersMarginalPercent 1-100 Required. Marginal barrier of servers in graph in %.
ConversationsMaximum 1-2147483647 Required. Maximum number of conversations in graph.
ConversationsCriticalPercent 1-100 Required. Critical barrier of conversations in graph in %.
ConversationsMarginalPercent 1-100 Required. Marginal barrier of conversations in graph in %.
Command Parameter Description
sagcc update configuration data node_alias Required. Specifies the alias name of the installation in which the broker connection is installed.
componentid Required. The component identifier. The prefix is "EntireXMainframeProxy-Broker-".
instanceid Required. Must be EXX-MONITORING-KPIS.
-i file Required. Specifies the file from where you want the input read.


  • To update an instance of "EntireX Mainframe Broker", with the name "MyBroker" in the installation with alias name "local" from the file MyKpis.json in the current working directory:

    sagcc update configuration data local EntireXMainframeProxy-Broker-MyBroker EXX-MONITORING-KPIS -i MyKpis.json
        "ClientsMaximum": "200",
        "ClientsCriticalPercent": "95",
        "ClientsMarginalPercent": "80",
        "ServersMaximum": "50",
        "ServersCriticalPercent": "95",
        "ServersMarginalPercent": "80",
        "ConversationsMaximum": "1000",
        "ConversationsCriticalPercent": "95",
        "ConversationsMarginalPercent": "80"

Inspecting the Log Files

Here you can administer the log files of the EntireX Mainframe Broker Connection instance.

Listing all EntireX Broker Log Files

The following table lists the parameters to include when displaying or modifying parameters of the EntireX Mainframe Broker, using the Command Central list commands.

Command Parameter Description
sagcc list diagnostics logs node_alias Required. Specifies the alias name of the installation in which the broker connection is installed.
componentid Required. The component identifier. The prefix is "EntireXMainframeProxy-Broker-".


  • To list the log files of EntireX Mainframe Broker Connection instance, in the installation with alias name "local" on stdout:

    sagcc list diagnostics logs local EntireXMainframeProxy-Broker-MyBroker

Getting Content from or Downloading RPC Server Log Files

Command Parameter Description
sagcc get diagnostics logs node_alias Required. Specifies the alias name of the installation in which the broker connection is installed.
componentid Required. The component identifier. The prefix is "EntireXMainframeProxy-Broker-".
full | tail | head Optional. Shows full log file content, or only tail or head.
export -o file Optional. Creates a zip file of the logs.


  • To list the tail of the log file content in the current working directory:

    sagcc get diagnostics logs local EntireXMainframeProxy-Broker-MyBroker connection.log tail
  • To create a zip file myfile.zip of the logs:

    sagcc get diagnostics logs local EntireXMainframeProxy-Broker-MyBroker export -o myfile.zip

Administering EntireX Mainframe Broker Monitoring

This section shows how to view and control EntireX Mainframe Broker Monitoring. You can enable and disable the monitoring of the real mainframe broker from within Command Central. This feature is particularly useful for major configuration changes in the mainframe environment, for example changing the user password. If you did not disable monitoring you would encounter a security error stating that the mainframe proxy is not able to log in to the real mainframe broker.

You can use Command Central to administer the monitoring of:

See also Administering EntireX Mainframe Broker Monitoring using the Command Central GUI.

All Mainframe Broker Proxies

This section describes how to administer the monitoring of all valid mainframe broker proxies.

List all Valid Mainframe Broker Proxies

This is done using the administration proxy EntireX Mainframe Administration.

Only instances with a valid configuration will be displayed.

Command Parameter Description
sagcc list administration component Specifies that a component will be administered.
node_alias Required. Specifies the alias name of the installation in which the broker connection is installed.
EntireXMainframeProxy-Administration Required. The component identifier for EntireX Mainframe Administration.
Monitoring Required. Specifies what is to be administered.
listValidInstances Required. List all valid proxy instances.
-f xml|json Required. Specifies XML or JSON as output format.


Start of instruction setTo display a list of all valid mainframe broker proxies in the installation with alias "local"

  • sagcc list administration component local EntireXMainframeProxy-Administration Monitoring listValidInstances -f json

Start of instruction setTo store a list of valid mainframe broker proxies in JSON format in the file "mainframe_proxies.json" of the current working directory in the installation with alias "local"

  • sagcc list administration component local EntireXMainframeProxy-Administration Monitoring listValidInstances -o mainframe_proxies.json

Enable/Disable Monitoring for all Mainframe Broker Proxies

This will change the monitoring status of all valid mainframe broker proxies from enabled to disabled or vice versa.

Command Parameter Description
sagcc exec administration component Specifies that a component will be administered.
node_alias Required. Specifies the alias name of the installation in which the broker connection is installed.
EntireXMainframeProxy-Administration Required. The component identifier for EntireX Mainframe Administration.
Monitoring Required. Specifies what is to be administered.
enableMonitoringAll|disableMonitoringAll Required. Enable/disable monitoring for all (valid) mainframe broker proxies.
params= Required. Empty parameters are necessary for Command Central to accept this command.
-f xml|json Required. Specifies XML or JSON as output format.


Start of instruction setTo enable monitoring for all valid mainframe broker proxies in the installation with alias name "local"

  • sagcc exec administration component local EntireXMainframeProxy-Administration Monitoring enableMonitoringAll params= -f json

Start of instruction setTo disable monitoring for all valid mainframe broker proxies in the installation with alias name "local"

  • sagcc exec administration component local EntireXMainframeProxy-Administration Monitoring disableMonitoringAll params= -f json

Single Mainframe Broker Proxy

This section describes how you can enable or disable monitoring for each mainframe broker proxy individually.

Getting Status Information of Mainframe Broker Proxy

Command Parameter Description
sagcc exec administration component Specifies that a component will be administered.
node_alias Required. Specifies the alias name of the installation in which the broker connection is installed.
componentid Required. The component identifier. The prefix is "EntireXMainframeProxy-Broker-".
Monitoring Required. Specifies what is to be administered.
getInstance Required. Retrieves instance information.
-f xml|json Required. Specifies XML or JSON as output format.


Start of instruction setTo get information about a mainframe broker proxy instance with the name "mainframeBroker" in the installation with alias name "local" in JSON format

  • sagcc list administration component local EntireXMainframeProxy-Broker-mainframeBroker Monitoring getInstance -f json

Toggle the Monitoring of a Mainframe Broker Proxy

Command Parameter Description
sagcc exec administration component Specifies that a component will be administered.
node_alias Required. Specifies the alias name of the installation in which the broker connection is installed.
componentid Required. The component identifier. The prefix is "EntireXMainframeProxy-Broker-".
Monitoring Required. Specifies what is to be administered.
enableMonitoring|disableMonitoring Required. Toggle the monitoring state.
params= Required. Empty parameters are necessary for Command Central to accept this command.
-f xml|json Required. Specifies XML or JSON as output format.


Start of instruction setTo enable monitoring of a mainframe broker proxy with the name "mainframeBroker" in the installation with alias name "local" in Text format

  • sagcc exec administration component local EntireXMainframeProxy-Broker-mainframeBroker Monitoring enableMonitoring params= -f json

Start of instruction setTo disable monitoring of a mainframe broker proxy with the name "mainframeBroker" in the installation with alias name "local" in Text format

  • sagcc exec administration component local EntireXMainframeProxy-Broker-mainframeBroker Monitoring disableMonitoring params= -f json

Displaying the Statistics

Displaying the General Statistics of a Running EntireX Broker

Here you can display the current statistics of a running EntireX Broker.

Command Parameter Description
get administration component Specifies that a component will be administered.
node_alias Required. Specifies the alias name of the installation in which the runtime component is installed.
componentid Required. The component identifier. The prefix is "EntireXMainframeProxy-Broker-".
Statistics Required. Specifies what is to be administered.
loadStatisticGeneral Required. Get the general settings.
-f xml|json Required. Specifies XML or JSON as output format.
-o file Optional. Specifies the file where you want the output written.


  • To display the current general setting of the running EntireX Broker with the name 'MyBroker' in the installation with alias name 'local'.broker in JSON format on stdout:

    sagcc get administration component local EntireXMainframeProxy-Broker-MyBroker Statistics loadStatisticGeneral -f json
  • To display the current general setting of the running EntireX Broker with the name 'MyBroker' in the installation with alias name 'local' in XML format on stdout:

    sagcc get administration component local EntireXMainframeProxy-Broker-MyBroker Statistics loadStatisticGeneral -f xml

Displaying the UOW (Unit of Work) Statistics of a Running EntireX Broker

Here you can display the current UOW statistics of a running EntireX Broker. The UOW statistics are summarized per service.

The returned value "UOWStatusFailed" represents the sum of UOW status "backed-out", "cancelled", "timeout" and "discarded".

Command Parameter Description
get administration component Specifies that a component will be administered.
node_alias Required. Specifies the alias name of the installation in which the runtime component is installed.
componentid Required. The component identifier. The prefix is "EntireXMainframeProxy-Broker-".
Statistics Required. Specifies what is to be administered.
loadStatisticUow Required. Get the statistics of UOW usage.
-f xml|json Required. Specifies XML or JSON as output format.
-o file Optional. Specifies the file where you want the output written.


  • To display the current UOW statistics of the running EntireX Broker with the name 'MyBroker' in the installation with alias name 'local'.broker in JSON format on stdout:

    sagcc get administration component local EntireXMainframeProxy-Broker-MyBroker Statistics loadStatisticUow -f json
  • To display the current UOW statistics of the running EntireX Broker with the name 'MyBroker' in the installation with alias name 'local' in XML format on stdout:

    sagcc get administration component local EntireXMainframeProxy-Broker-MyBroker Statistics loadStatisticUow -f xml

Monitoring Services

List Running Services

Command Parameter Description
sagcc list administration component Specifies that a component will be administered.
node_alias Required. Specifies the alias name of the installation in which the broker connection is installed.
componentid Required. The component identifier. The prefix is "EntireXMainframeProxy-Broker-".
Services Required. Specifies what is to be administered.
listServices Required. List all services.
-f xml|json Required. Specifies XML or JSON as output format.


  • To display a list of services of the running EntireX Mainfram Broker with the name "MyBroker" in the installation with alias name "local" in JSON format:

    sagcc list administration component local EntireXMainframeProxy-Broker-MyBroker Services listServices -f json
  • To store a list of services of the EntireX Mainframe Broker with the name "MyBroker" in the installation with alias name "local" in JSON format in the file services.json of the current working directory:

    sagcc list administration component local EntireXMainframeProxy-Broker-MyBroker Services listServices -o services.json

List Server Instances

Command Parameter Description
sagcc list administration component Specifies that a component will be administered.
node_alias Required. Specifies the alias name of the installation in which the broker connection is installed.
componentid Required. The component identifier. The prefix is "EntireXMainframeProxy-Broker-".
Services Required. Specifies what is to be administered.
listServers Required. List all servers.
serviceName Required. Shows only servers of this service. Format: class/server/service.
-f xml|json Required. Specifies XML or JSON as output format.


  • To display a list of servers of the current service of the EntireX Mainframe Broker with the name "MyBroker" in the installation with alias name "local" in XML format:

    sagcc list administration component local EntireXMainframeProxy-Broker-MyBroker Services listServers serviceName=RPC/SRV1/CALLNAT -f xml
  • To store a list of servers in JSON format in the file services.json of the current working directory:

    sagcc list administration component local EntireXMainframeProxy-Broker-MyBroker Services listServers serviceName=RPC/SRV1/CALLNAT -o server.json

Deleting an EntireX Mainframe Broker Connection

The following table lists the parameters to include when deleting an EntireX Mainframe Broker Connection instance, using the Command Central delete configuration commands.

Command Parameter Description
sagcc delete configuration data node_alias Required. Specifies the alias name of the installation in which the broker connection is installed.
componentid Required. The component identifier. The prefix is "EntireXMainframeProxy-Broker-".


  • To delete an instance of an EntireX Mainframe Broker Connection with the name "MyBroker" in the installation with alias name "local":

    sagcc delete configuration data local EntireXMainframeProxy-Administration EntireXMainframeProxy-Broker-MyBroker --force