Tracing EntireX Components under BS2000

This document provides trace information for the following components:

Tracing EntireX Broker

Start of instruction setTo switch on tracing

  • Set the attribute TRACE-LEVEL in the broker attribute file

    • for minimal trace output to "1"

    • for detailed trace output to "2"

    • for full trace output to "3"



Start of instruction setTo switch off tracing

  • Set the attribute TRACE-LEVEL in the broker attribute file to 0:


    Omit the TRACE-LEVEL attribute.

Tracing Broker Stubs

The broker stubs provide an option for writing trace files.

Start of instruction setTo switch on tracing for the broker stub

  • Before starting the client application, set the job variable ETB-STUBLOG:

    Trace Level Description
    0 NONE No tracing.
    1 STANDARD Traces initialization, errors, and all ACI request/reply strings.
    2 ADVANCED Used primarily by system engineers, traces everything from level 1 and provides additional information - for example the Broker ACI control block - as well as transport information.
    3 SUPPORT This is full tracing through the stub, including detailed traces of control blocks, message information, etc.



If the trace level is greater than 1, unencrypted contents of the send/receive buffers may be exposed in the trace.

Trace output is written to file <tsn>.etb. The stub log is available only for transport TCP.

Remember to switch off tracing to prevent trace files from filling up your disk.

Start of instruction setTo switch off tracing for the broker stub

  • Set the job variable ETB-STUBLOG to NONE or delete it.

Activating Tracing for the RPC Server

Start of instruction setTo switch on tracing for the RPC server

  • Set the parameter TRACELEVEL in S-element RPC-CONFIG in EXP103.JOBS.

    To evaluate the return codes, see Error Messages and Codes.

Tracing Broker Security Server

The Broker Security Server comes with a trace facility that can be used to track the IDs of users logging on to EntireX Broker. It also produces some diagnostic messages that are helpful for problem analysis. By default, no tracing is performed.

Start of instruction setTo switch on tracing for Broker Security Server

  • Set up an SDF variable in the server's job control.


Start of instruction setTo switch off tracing for Broker Security Server

  • Set the following in the server's job control.


See EntireX Broker Security Server for BS2000.