webMethods Dynamic Business Orchestrator 10.3 | Creating Process Models | Saving a New Process from an Existing Process Model
Saving a New Process from an Existing Process Model
In the Dynamic Process Development perspective of Designer, you can save an existing process model as a new process. Use this operation to copy the process model to a different location with a different name and project, but keep any existing mappings. Another way to use this operation is to keep the project name and process name and save the process model with a different version, creating a new version of the same process.
* To save a new process for a process model:
1. Select the process model in the Solutions view.
2. Right-click the process model and select Save As, or click File > Save As.
3. Specify the fields listed in the following table in the Save As window:
Project Name
From the drop-down menu with existing projects, select a project for the new process.
Process Name
Specify a name for the new process.
Specify the version of the new process.
4. Click OK to save the new process.

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