webMethods Dynamic Business Orchestrator 10.3 | Creating Process Models | Mapping Data in Dynamic Business Orchestrator
Mapping Data in Dynamic Business Orchestrator
Editing Data in the Flow View
Running a Process Step's Flow Elements
In Dynamic Business Orchestrator you can use data mapping and edit directly the maps for a selected process step. Process step data mapping is done in the Pipeline view and the Flow view and all mapping information is saved with the model in the local workspace. You can add a transformer in the pipeline view when mapping. The services used as a transformer change the pipeline value of inputs. You can edit the input pipeline data of a step, which results in the pipeline data transforming before reaching the step.
Different steps support different types of mapping. For example:
*A Start Message Event Step supports only output data mapping.
*An End Message Event Step supports only input data mapping.
*A Service Task Step supports both input and output data mapping.
*A Gateway Step does not support any data mapping. Gateway steps only carry data without editing it.
* To edit data mapping
1. In Designer, open the Dynamic Process Development perspective and the required process model.
2. Select the process step for which you want to edit the data mapping and go to the Properties view.
3. Click Inputs/Outputs.
4. Click Edit Data Mapping, or right-click the step and select Edit Input Data Mapping or Edit Output Data Mapping.
5. Edit the data mapping using the Pipeline view and the Flow view.
Note: Each step has a left and right side available for mapping and these sides represent the input data maps and the output data maps respectively.
6. Click Save.

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