webMethods Dynamic Business Orchestrator 10.3 | Configuring Dynamic Business Orchestrator | Configuring the MySQL Community Edition 5.7 Driver for Use with Integration Server
Configuring the MySQL Community Edition 5.7 Driver for Use with Integration Server
To use MySQL Community Edition 5.7 with Integration Server, you must configure the required database driver. You can configure the database driver after installing Integration Server.
* To configure the database driver for MySQL Community Edition 5.7
1. Download the JDBC driver for MySQL Community Edition 5.7 and place it in the following directory:
Software AG_directory \common\lib\ext
2. In a text editor, open the ini.cnf file from the following directory:
Software AG_directory \IntegrationServer\instances\IS_instance_name\bin
3. Add the following entry to the application.classpath property:
where mysql-connector-java.jar is the jar file for the MySQL Community Edition 5.7 driver.
4. Save your changes to ini.cnf and close the file.
5. Restart Integration Server.

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