webMethods Dynamic Business Orchestrator 10.3 | Configuring Dynamic Business Orchestrator | Configuring the MySQL Community Edition 5.7 Driver for Process Upload
Configuring the MySQL Community Edition 5.7 Driver for Process Upload
To use MySQL Community Edition 5.7 for process development, you must configure the required database driver in order to upload processes to the database. You configure the database driver after installing the Software AG Designer Dynamic Process Development perspective.
Important: To use MySQL Community Edition 5.7, you must select the Use Integration Server JDBC pool parameters option on the Window > Preferences > Software AG > Process Development > Process Audit Database page in Designer.
* To configure the database driver for process upload
1. Download the JDBC driver for MySQL Community Edition 5.7 and place it in the following directory:
Software AG_directory \Designer\eclipse\plugins\com.webmethods.process.metadatadeployer_10.1.0.0000-xxxx\lib
2. In a text editor, open the plugin manifest file from the following directory:
Software AG_directory \Designer\eclipse\plugins\com.webmethods.process.metadatadeployer_10.1.0.0000-xxxx\META-INF\manifest.mf
3. Append the driver jar classpath to Bundle-ClassPath.
4. Restart Designer.

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