webMethods Dynamic Business Orchestrator 10.3 | Configuring Dynamic Business Orchestrator | Configuring Database Tables for MySQL Community Edition 5.7
Configuring Database Tables for MySQL Community Edition 5.7
Use the following procedure to configure database tables for MySQL Community Edition 5.7 in the Database Component Configurator.
* To configure database tables in the Database Component Configurator
1. In a text editor, open the setEnv.bat file from one of the following directories, depending on where you installed the Database Component Configurator:
*Software AG_directory \IntegrationServer\common\db\bin, if you installed the Database Component Configurator together with Integration Server.
*Database Component Configurator_directory\common\db\bin, if you installed the Database Component Configurator separately.
2. Add the following classpath entry for the MySQL Community Edition driver jar file to the setEnv.bat file:
set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;%DCI_HOME%\..\lib\ext\mysql_driver_jar
Example: set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;%DCI_HOME%\..\lib\ext\mysql-connector-java.jar
3. Use the following URL to create database tables in the Database Component Configurator:
Example: jdbc:mysql://mysqldomain.com:3306/sampleDB

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