webMethods Dynamic Business Orchestrator 10.3 | Dynamic Business Orchestrator Built-In Services | Elements in the WmDBO\pub.dbo.model.control Folder | changeVersion
WmDBO. This service changes the version of all process instances for a given model from one version to another.
Location in Package Navigator
Input Parameters
The following table lists the input parameters for the service.
String The name of the project that contains the model to change the version of.
String The name of the process model to change the version of.
String Optional. The model version of the process instances you want to change.
Important: When this parameter is not set, all process instances of the model type are changed to the model version specified in the ToModelVersion parameter regardless of the model version they are currently executing.
String The model version to which you want to change the process instances.
String Optional. Username for the user that is changing the process instances version.
Output Parameters

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