webMethods Dynamic Business Orchestrator 10.3 | Dynamic Business Orchestrator Built-In Services | Elements in the WmDBO\pub.dbo.instance.control Folder | logStepMessage
WmDBO. This service is used within a process instance to log step activity messages and affects the currently executing process instance and step.
Location in Package Navigator
Input Parameters
The following table lists the input parameters for the service.
String Shortened version of the full message. The message can be up to 240 bytes.
String Optional. Complete message. The message can be up to 1024 bytes.
String Flag indicating the type of message. The following values apply:
*MESSAGE — Indicates that the message is informational and no action is needed.
*WARNING — Indicates that the message is a warning message.
*ERROR — Default. Indicates that the message is an error message.
Output Parameters

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