webMethods Dynamic Business Orchestrator 10.3 | Migrating Classic BPM Process Models to Dynamic Business Orchestrator | Migration of Step Properties
Migration of Step Properties
Implementation, Integration Server Name
This value is ignored during migration, because Dynamic Business Orchestrator does not support distributed execution of the model.
Implementation, Allow Parallel Execution
The state of this checkbox is ignored during migration, because Dynamic Business Orchestrator has built-in protection against parallel step execution.
Implementation, Service, Web-Service
If this radio button is selected in a classic BPM Service task, the value is ignored during migration, because Dynamic Business Orchestrator only supports Integration Service services.
Implementation, Generated Service Name
This value is ignored during migration, because Dynamic Business Orchestrator does not generate wrapper services for a service activity task.
Implementation, Retry Count & Retry Interval
These values are ignored during migration, because Dynamic Business Orchestrator does not support the automatic retry of service tasks.
Implementation, Send / Receive Protocol
Dynamic Business Orchestrator currently supports Universal Messaging protocol for message receipt and publishing. Classic BPM supports Native Pub/Sub, JMS, and Simple-Service (request-reply) protocols. The protocol will be migrated to Universal Messaging for each Catching and Throwing message event in the classic model.
Joins Properties
The Join properties for a classic BPM step are not migrated to the Dynamic Business Orchestrator model, because a gateway is inserted during migration when a step contains the join. These properties no longer appear in Dynamic Business Orchestrator. This includes the Join Type, Join Timeout, and the deprecated Suppress Join Failure properties.
Ignore dead path notifications (Deprecated)
This deprecated property is not migrated to the Dynamic Business Orchestrator model. Dead path notifications are managed exclusively by Dynamic Business Orchestrator.

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