webMethods Dynamic Business Orchestrator 10.3 | Migrating Classic BPM Process Models to Dynamic Business Orchestrator | Migration of Model Properties
Migration of Model Properties
Unless specifically mentioned, Model Properties are directly migrated to the DBO model without modification.
The configuration of KPIs are not supported in Dynamic Business Orchestrator.
The Error property in classic BPM designates a step (or a sequence of steps) to execute when an unhandled exception occurs in a model. This property does not exist in Dynamic Business Orchestrator and is migrated to an Error Event Subprocess.
Important: The Error Event Subprocess is interrupting by definition and this may not be the desired behavior for classic models that employed an error handler that was not interrupting.
Manual modifications to the model might required to get the desired behavior at run-time.
If the designated Error Step has inbound sequence flow, it cannot be migrated to an Error Event Subprocess as this breaks the definition of an Event Subprocess. In such cases the steps are migrated normally, but the "Error" designation is removed and the model requires manual modification to achieve the desired run-time behavior.
The Cancel property in classic BPM designates a step (or a sequence of steps) to execute when an instance is cancelled. This is not supported in Dynamic Business Orchestrator. If a migrated model has a Cancel step configured, the step is migrated normally but it does not have the "Cancel" designation and is not executed when the instance is cancelled.
The Timeout property in classic BPM designates a step to execute when a configured timeout occurs. There is no concept of a Process-Wide timeout Step in Dynamic Business Orchestrator, but a Timer Event Subprocess closely resembles this pattern. The Timeout steps are migrated to a Timer Event Subprocess with non-interrupting behavior. The migrated model must be inspected and manually modified if the desired behavior of the Timeout step is interrupting.
If the designated Timeout Step has inbound sequence flow, it cannot be migrated to a Timer Event Subprocess as this breaks the definition of an Event Subprocess. In such cases, the steps are migrated normally but the "Timeout" designation is removed and the model requires manual modification to achieve the desired run-time behavior.
Optimize Locally
This checkbox in classic BPM instructs the runtime to transition from step to step without publishing transition documents. In Dynamic Business Orchestrator, step transitions are not achieved through the publishing of documents and this option is not migrated.
Express Pipeline
This classic BPM option results in a named set of pipeline elements to be written into the process fragment for a particular step. When this set exists, the classic runtime preserves these named elements in the pipeline. In Dynamic Business Orchestrator, the pipeline is not manipulated in this way. Mapping and service tasks are the only way to modify the pipeline. The migrated model might require manual modification to achieve the desired pipeline.
Volatile Transition Documents
This classic BPM option instructs the runtime to use volatile or persistent transition documents. There are no transition documents in Dynamic Business Orchestrator and this option is not migrated.
Volatile Tracking
This classic BPM option instructs the runtime to store process execution information in memory (volatile) or the Process Engine database (persistent). In Dynamic Business Orchestrator, all process instance execution information is stored in the Dynamic Business Orchestrator database and this property is not migrated.
Minimum Logging Level
This classic BPM option customizes how much Audit Logging is performed at run-time. Dynamic Business Orchestrator does not allow the configuration a logging level and this property is not migrated.
Emit Process-specific Predefined EDA Events
This classic BPM option customizes which EDA events are emitted during process execution. The Dynamic Business Orchestrator does not emit events for transitions, but emits a standard set of Events during execution and there is no configuration required.
Steps Enabled For Resubmission
This classic BPM option instructs the runtime to log Audit Data during step execution to facilitate the resubmission of that step when an error ocurrs. Dynamic Business Orchestrator automatically provides this capability and this option is not migrated.
This option is not migrated.
Enable deprecated error handling behavior
This option is not migrated.
Default Deployment Values
There are two checkboxes in classic BPM that instruct Deployer to enable the deployed model for execution and/or analysis. These checkboxes do not exist in Dynamic Business Orchestrator and are not migrated. Deployer can be instructed to enable deployed models.

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