webMethods Dynamic Business Orchestrator 10.3 | Migrating Classic BPM Process Models to Dynamic Business Orchestrator | Insertion of Gateways for Multiple Outbound Sequence Flow
Insertion of Gateways for Multiple Outbound Sequence Flow
In a classic BPM model, you can have multiple outbound sequence flow from steps that are not gateways. In Dynamic Business Orchestrator, only gateways can have multiple outbound sequence flows, therefore it is necessary for the migration utility to insert a gateway to respect the "diverging behavior" of the step. Insertion of gateways is one of the most obvious changes to your model as the migration utility inserts gateways in the diagram to preserve the overall look. The resulting gateway improves the readability of the model notation by illustrating what the converging behavior of sequence flow should be.
The inserted gateway depends on the structure of the outbound sequence flow. For example, if the sequence flow had no transition conditions configured, the migration utility will insert a Parallel Gateway, reassign sequence flow from the source step to the inserted gateway and then reassign sequence flow from the gateway to all target steps. The following image is an example of how this looks in a classic and the migrated Dynamic Business Orchestrator model.
When there are one or more transition conditions present, an Inclusive Gateway is inserted by the migration utility. This is the behavior of the migration utility, because it does not know if the diverging behavior was intended to be exclusive, inclusive, or complex. In this case, you are advised to manually review your model and inspect the transition conditions for the inserted gateway. If the transition conditions are characterized by "at least one path will be true", that is inclusive diverging behavior and the inserted inclusive gateway would not require modification.
When the transition conditions are characterized by "exactly one will be true", that is exclusive diverging behavior and the inserted inclusive gateway should be manually changed to exclusive.
When neither of the previous examples describes the intent of the conditional sequence flow (not mutually exclusive and no guarantee that at least one condition will be true), this fits the description of complex diverging behavior and the inserted inclusive gateway should be manually changed to a complex gateway.

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