webMethods Dynamic Business Orchestrator 10.3 | Migrating Classic BPM Process Models to Dynamic Business Orchestrator | Generated Flow Services
Generated Flow Services
In classic BPM, most step types result in the generation of flow services as a convenience for performing data mapping prior to (or after) step execution. These flow services are known as "wrapper services" to distinguish them from ordinary Flow Services. Designer generates these wrapper services into the namespace of the model package and the user is welcome to modify these wrapper services as they see fit. The wrapper services are considered a dependency of the model and must be deployed as part of BPM model deployment.
In DBO, Designer does not generate wrapper services. Instead, one may configure data mapping directly into the model using a built-in mapping Flow Editor. This eliminates the need for extneral dependencies on flow services to perform mapping. It is still permissible to create external flow services and invoke them as part of a Service Activity, but it is recommended to configure all mapping within the model.
During migration, the utility will make every effort to move the contents of wrapper services to the internal mapping structures associated with a step. The following table provides the specifics for each step type.

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