webMethods Dynamic Business Orchestrator 10.3 | Creating Process Models | Basic Process Properties
Basic Process Properties
The following table describes these properties.
Properties Page
Process Display Name
The process display name of the process model. Can be modified at any time and supports non-ASCII characters.
Process ID
A system-generated process identifier. Not editable.
The Process ID consists of the process project name and the process name, separated by a slash (/). Process ID only supports ASCII characters.
The current version of the process. The initial process version is 1.
Created By
The user name of the creator of the process. Not editable.
Your descriptive information about the process, for documentation purposes only. Text in process descriptions is searchable.
Documentation Fields
Local and default documentation fields to document in the process. Documentation fields are searchable.
Documentation Field Value
Value for the assigned Documentation Field.
A list of the stages created within this process model.
Add Stage
Click to add a stage.
Delete Stage
Click to delete a selected stage.
Stage Details
Configuration information about the selected stage.
Name of the stage (read-only).
Optional. Description of the stage.
Start Milestone
Selected start milestone for the stage.
End Milestone
Selected end milestone for the stage.
Specified condition to define a stage breach.
Stop Tracking On Breach
Stops stage processing for all remaining stages in the process instance when a stage breach occurs in this stage, and only one stage breached EDA event is emitted. Remaining stages are not tracked and will be shown as Incomplete in Monitor. The check box is cleared by default.
Global Process Specification
Use this page to define the inputs and outputs for a callable process. A global process specification, along with a start none event, is used when a callable process is invoked by a call activity step.
The input specification for a callable process determines the data that flows into the start none event in the callable process when it is triggered by a call activity. The output specification for a callable process determines the data that flows out of the callable process and back to the call activity that triggered it. The entire pipeline is automatically sent back to the call activity.
Adding, editing, and removing inputs and outputs for a global process is done the same way as it is for steps.
Integration Server Name
The Integration Server used to get services and documents for the process.

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