webMethods Dynamic Business Orchestrator 10.3 | Creating Process Models | Process Model Naming and Versioning
Process Model Naming and Versioning
The name used to create a new process model is restricted to ASCII-numeric characters as this value is used in the Process ID.
The Process Display Name of a process model can be different from the name initially used to create the process model and supports multibyte characters. The process display name is used in the Solutions tab in Designer and the Business Console user interface. Modifying the process display name does not change the Process ID in any way. When searching for processes in the Business Console user interface, you can use both the process display name and the process ID.
The folder structure of process models is based around the process project, process ID, and the process model version. Each process model version can have a different process display name, but the filename in the local Designer workspace will remain the same for all versions. Each model version has a separate folder and can be checked in into source control separately with the process model files for all versions having the same filename.

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