webMethods Dynamic Business Orchestrator 10.3 | Monitoring Process Instances | Path Forecasting for a Process Instance | Viewing Estimated Data for a Forecast Path
Viewing Estimated Data for a Forecast Path
* To view the estimated data forecast path of a process instance:
1. In webMethods Business Console Processes tab.
2. Click a running instance to display the process instance details window.
3. In the Process Diagram panel, enable Path Forecasting by clicking the On radio button.
Business Console displays the Path Forecasting bar to the left of the process diagram.
4. Click one of the dots on Path Forecasting bar to see a forecast path for the process instance.
The different forecast paths are sorted from most common to least common by default. You can change the type of sorting from the drop-down list.
5. On the Path Information window, click Show Stats to view the estimated data for the forecast path.
When you select a forecast path, the path is highlighted. This shows whether the different parts of the path are completed (blue highlight) or not completed (black highlight). Forecast paths are always sequential and parallel paths are not taken into account.

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