webMethods Dynamic Business Orchestrator 10.3 | Using Command Central to Manage Dynamic Business Orchestrator | Dynamic Business Orchestrator License Management
Dynamic Business Orchestrator License Management
For Dynamic Business Orchestrator , you can configure the license, view the details of the license that is configured, and retrieve the location of the license file using the Command Central web user interface. To access the License Keys for a Dynamic Business Orchestrator instance, click a Dynamic Business Orchestrator instance name and navigate to Configuration > License Keys.
Note: You cannot change the location of a Dynamic Business Orchestrator license file.
You can view the content and location of the license file, and update the license file of a Dynamic Business Orchestrator instance in the Command Central command line interface using the following commands:
*To view the license details and location of a Dynamic Business Orchestrator license, use the sagcc get configuration data command.
*To add a Dynamic Business Orchestrator license key file with the specified alias to the Command Central license key manager, use the sagcc add license-tools keys command.
*To update a license key file assigned to the specified license key alias, use the sagcc update configuration license command.
For more information about the commands, see Software AG Command Central Help.

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