webMethods Dynamic Business Orchestrator 10.3 | Configuring Dynamic Business Orchestrator | Controlling Access to Monitor Resources
Controlling Access to Monitor Resources
Granting Users Access to Monitor Pages
Granting Users the Ability to Perform Monitor Actions
Identifying the Audit Data on Which Users Can Perform Actions
My webMethods Server administrators determine which Monitor pages in My webMethods a user can access by assigning access privileges. For example, you can configure My webMethods so that a user can view pages related to monitoring process instances, but not allow the user to view pages related to monitoring services.
My webMethods Server administrators also determine which Monitor actions a user can perform by assigning functional privileges. For example, you can allow a user to view documents, but not to resubmit documents.
A My webMethods Server administrator can assign access and functional privileges to a user, group, or role.
My webMethods Server administrators can also assign data-level security to audit data, such as business processes, services, or documents. The data-level security or privileges determine which type of audit data a user can manage. The administrator assigns these privileges to a role. For example, the Service Administrator role can be allowed to act on service audit data.
For more information about access management of Monitor pages and administrative functions in My webMethods, see Working with My webMethods and Administering My webMethods Server.

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