webMethods Dynamic Business Orchestrator 10.3 | Creating Process Models | Disaster Recovery and Exception Handling
Disaster Recovery and Exception Handling
Fatal Exceptions
Unhandled Exceptions
Handled Exceptions
Triggering Custom Error Handling Without Altering the Control Flow
Disaster Recovery
Dynamic Business Orchestrator stores the information necessary to run a step in the cache until the step completes successfully. The StepInput cache is used for automatic disaster recovery. The StepInput cache exists for as long as the process step is being executed and is not related to the execution of the whole process instance. A running step is kept in the cache in case of unforseen events, for example power failure, and the step data is used for disaster recovery after the system becomes available.
Exception Types
The exceptions that may occur during the process execution in Dynamic Business Orchestrator fall in one of the following categories:
*Fatal Exceptions
*Unhandled Exceptions
*Handled Exceptions

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