webMethods Dynamic Business Orchestrator 10.3 | Using Command Central to Manage Dynamic Business Orchestrator | Dynamic Business Orchestrator Lifecycle Actions
Dynamic Business Orchestrator Lifecycle Actions
You can start, stop, restart, pause, and resume a Dynamic Business Orchestrator instance from the Command Central web user interface. The following lifecycle operations are available:
*Start. Start a stopped Dynamic Business Orchestrator instance.
*Stop. Stop a running Dynamic Business Orchestrator instance.
*Restart. Restart a running Dynamic Business Orchestrator instance.
*Pause. Pauses the execution of all running process instances, but keeps the Dynamic Business Orchestrator instance available during maintenance tasks. Pausing the Dynamic Business Orchestrator instance does not affect the status of the running process instances.
*Resume. Resumes the execution of previously-paused process instances.
On the Overview page for an instance, you can view the run-time status of a Dynamic Business Orchestrator instance in the status column.
You can also use the sagcc get monitoring runtimestatus command in the Command Central command line interface to check the runtime status of the Dynamic Business Orchestrator instance.

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