webMethods Dynamic Business Orchestrator 10.3 | Configuring Dynamic Business Orchestrator | Configuring Archive Settings
Configuring Archive Settings
Archiving Data Using Partitions
Dynamic Business Orchestrator emits information about every process instance , such as step details, errors, and logged fields to the process archive database. Over time, this database can grow large and start affecting the performance of both execution and querying. Archiving the process instance data helps to improve performance. Archiving is done using one of the following methods:
*Stored procedures
*Partitioning strategies
Stored procedures are built-in and can be scheduled to run regularly.
webMethods Dynamic Business Orchestrator uses stored procedures to archive audit data to the Archive database. When Dynamic Business Orchestrator executes a stored procedure to archive or delete audit data, the database performs the entire operation without further interaction with Dynamic Business Orchestrator.
When using stored procedures to archive, the audit data must be archived to the same database where the stored procedure is located.
You can set the following archive operations for audit data:
*archive - archives and moves the audit data to the Archive database, and removes it from the source tables.
*archive and delete - archives the audit data and deletes it from the source table, but does not move the data to another location.
Partitioning requires database administration expertise. Audit database partitioning can be done based on timestamps. For example, partitioning can be configured to automatically move data out of the main partition and into a separate time-bound partition. For certain database vendors this may require separate licenses.
After you archive or delete audit data, you can no longer view that data in My webMethods. However, you can still execute queries on the data in the Archive database using SQL statements.
If you use an Oracle database as an Archive database, you can define a recipient of email alerts when the Oracle Purge operation completes.

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