webMethods Dynamic Business Orchestrator 10.3 | Components | Dynamic Business Orchestrator
Dynamic Business Orchestrator
Dynamic Business Orchestrator is the run-time component that acts as the consumer of process model content.
Dynamic Business Orchestrator detects changes to the model content, depending on the mode in which you use the orchestrator:
*In development mode, the model content changes are detected using a private service in Designer.
*In production mode, a public service is used to scan the local repository and validate or load new models, as well as remove or clean up old models.
Dynamic Business Orchestrator provides public services for controlling and administering process models and keeps all installations in a cluster synchronized, depending on the model definition and configuration.
If a process model uses business rules or tasks, you must ensure that you have the following run-time components installed:
*webMethods Rules Engine
*webMethods Task Engine
For information about Rules Engine and Task Engine, see the documentation of the respective component.

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