webMethods Dynamic Business Orchestrator 10.3 | Creating Process Models | Working with Process Steps | Step Labels
Step Labels
Software AG Designer enables you to apply a label to each step in your process model. It is possible for step labels to be empty, and for the same label value to be used more than once in the same process model. This enables models to be more accurately imported from other modeling tools in XPDL format.
You can add, remove, or modify a label value at any time by clicking the step to select it, and then editing the step Label field on the General page in the Properties view.
Task, call activity, and subprocess steps are always created with a default label, for example, “Task1,” with subsequent steps numbered incrementally. Event and gateway steps can be created with or without a label. When applied, the label uses the same format, for example, Gateway1, Message Event1.
Note: If you delete a step with a default name, that name is not reused in the process model. For example, if you add steps named Task1 and Task2 and then delete Task2, the next step is named Task3.
You can set the following preferences for a label:
*Default step label location determines the default placement of task, call activity, and collapsed subprocess step labels (on the step or below the step). In addition, you can set the position of the step labels in a process with the Position label on step/below step button Position label on step/below step icon on the tool bar.
*Automatically update step names when adding documents/services via drag and drop determines whether step labels change after a drag and drop action.
*Show event and gateway labels by default determines whether or not a label is created when an event or gateway step is added to the process.

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