webMethods Dynamic Business Orchestrator 10.3 | Creating Process Models | Working with Process Steps | Step Inputs and Outputs | Log Inputs and Outputs
Log Inputs and Outputs
In the Dynamic Process Development perspective and in the Process Debugging perspective, you can select fields from input and output documents for logging. You can also create aliases for the logged fields, which makes locating them in webMethods Monitor easier.
Input and output field logging is part of the Dynamic Business Orchestrator audit logging mechanism.
Logged fields can be viewed on the Process Instance Detail page in webMethods Monitor.
Note: Before you can select input and output document fields for logging, you must first define step inputs and outputs.
* To select a step input or output document field for logging
1. Select a step in the process editor for which you have defined inputs and outputs.
2. On the Logged Fields page in the Properties view, click Expand icon Expand to expand the Inputs and Outputs trees to display the fields available in the documents.
3. Select the check boxes that correspond to the document fields you want to log.
4. If you want to define an alias for a document field, type an Alias name.
The alias defaults to the name and path of the selected field, but it can be modified to any alias for viewing in webMethods Monitor.
Note: You can create the same alias for more than one field on a step, but this is not recommended, as it will make monitoring the fields at run time difficult.

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