webMethods Dynamic Business Orchestrator 10.3 | Creating Process Models | Working with Process Steps | Step Inputs and Outputs | Auto-Populate Inputs and Outputs
Auto-Populate Inputs and Outputs
You can automatically populate the inputs and outputs of a step from its underlying IS service, Web service, task, or rule. This underlying information is known as the service signature.
Auto-populating step inputs and outputs allows Designer to do the data mapping of the step inputs and outputs. If you do not auto-populate with the service signature, you must manually map the data to the appropriate service. Click the Edit Data Mapping link on the Inputs/Outputs page in the Properties view, or right-click a step and click Edit Data Mapping.
Note: Most steps have a single Edit Data Mapping right-click menu option. Call activity steps and task steps have two mapping options in their context menus: Edit Input Data Mapping and Edit Output Data Mapping. Empty steps do not have data to map, so they have no data mapping capability.
* To auto-populate a step input or output
1. Select a step in the process editor.
2. On the Inputs / Outputs page in the Properties view, click Auto-populate inputs icon Auto-populate inputs based on service signature in the Inputs section or Auto-populate outputs icon Auto-populate outputs based on service signature in the Outputs section.
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