Developer Portal 10.15 | Using Developer Portal | Users | LDAP Users and Groups Onboarding | How do I create an LDAP connection to import users from a secured LDAP server?
How do I create an LDAP connection to import users from a secured LDAP server?
This use case starts when you want to provide the secured LDAP server details and ends when you have successfully created a connection.
Before you begin
Ensure the following:
*LDAP is enabled. You can enable LDAP by turning the LDAP active slider on.
*Multiple LDAP integration is enabled, if you want to specify more than one LDAP server.
LDAP and multple LDAP enabling options
*LDAP server details.
*API Administrator privilege.
*To create a secured LDAP connection
1. Click the menu options icon from the title bar and click Administration.
2. Select LDAP.
3. Click Create LDAP.
4. In the ID field, provide a unique ID for the LDAP connection.
5. Provide the Server name, URL, Username, Password of the LDAP server.
6. Based on your security requirements for the LDAP connection, enable the following checks:
*Verify host names. Turn on to verify if the LDAP server host name provided matches the name in the SSL certificate Developer Portal receives from the LDAP server while establishing the connection. The LDAP connection fails if the names do not match.
*Verify certificates. Turn on to verify the SSL certificates provided by LDAP server. The LDAP connection fails if invalid certificates are provided.
*Use SSL. Turn on to specify that the connection to the LDAP server is secure. Enable this option or use an LDAPS URL for a secure connection. When you turn this on, the SSL mode list appears.
7. Select the required SSL mode from the list.
8. In the Simultaneous connections field, provide the maximum number of simultaneous connections to the same LDAP server.
9. Provide the Connection timeout and Read timeout values in milliseconds.
10. Click Save.
The LDAP connection appears in the Connections tab.
11. Click of the LDAP connection to verify if Developer Portal is able to connect successfully with the LDAP server.
You can import users and user groups from the LDAP connection.
Next steps:
*Import users or user groups from the LDAP server. For information on importing users, How do I import users and user groups from an LDAP server?.
*Configure the LDAP connection settings. For information on configuring the connection settings, see How do I specify attributes for the LDAP connection established with an LDAP server?.