Developer Portal 10.15 | Using Developer Portal | Administration | Security Settings | How do I configure user account lockout settings?
How do I configure user account lockout settings?
This use case explains the steps to configure the number of times that a user can attempt to sign in with an incorrect password.
Multiple attempts of users providing passwords to access their accounts would also mean that the user does not have the required authentication. Hence, to ensure safety, you can configure the number of attempts that a user can make to provide their password to log on to Developer Portal.
This use case starts when you want to configure account lockout settings and ends when you have completed the configuration.
*To configure account lockout settings
1. Click the menu options icon from the title bar and click Administration.
2. Click Security.
3. In the Account lockout tab, enable Lock users after failed login attempts to specify whether a user account must be temporarily locked when there is certain number of failed logins.
4. Provide the following details:
Attempt limit
Number of failed log in attempts that are allowed before user account is locked.
Lockout duration (in seconds)
Number of seconds for which the user account remains locked. If the Lock users after failed login attempts setting is enabled and if there are too many failed sign in attempts, then the user account is locked for the specified number of seconds.
Lock counter duration (in seconds)
Number of seconds after which users can try to sign in after a failed sign in attempts is reset. Users must retry to sign in to Developer Portal after the duration specified in this field. For example, if you have entered 1800 in this field, users can retry to sign in after 30 minutes of their failed attempt.
5. Click Save.
Your configurations are saved.
Next steps:
*The user accounts get locked if they exceed the number of attempts that you have configured.