Developer Portal 10.15 | Using Developer Portal | Developer Portal Administration APIs | Managing approvals
Managing approvals
This REST API is used to retrieve details of approval processes that are used to onboard a user, application, or subscription. You can also retrieve, approve. or reject the user or application onboarding requests.
List of resources
*GET /approvals
Retrieves the list of configured approval workflows in Developer Portal.
*POST /approvals
Creates a new approval workflow with the given details.
*GET /approvals/{id}
Retrieves the specified approval.
*PUT /approvals/{id}
Updates the specified approval workflow with the given details.
*DELETE /approvals/{id}
Deletes the specified approval workflow.
*GET /approvals/policy
Retrieves the approval workflow policy assigned to onboarding process.
*PUT /approvals/policy
Assign an approval workflow policy to onboarding process.
*GET /approvals/request
Retrieves the list of pending approval requests.
*GET /approvals/request/{id}
Retrieves the specified pending approval request.
*PUT /approvals/request/{id}/approve
Approves the specified approval request.
*PUT /approvals/request/external/{id}/approve
Approves the specified external approval request.
*PUT /approvals/request/approve
Approves the set of specified pending approval requests.
*PUT /approvals/request/{id}/reject
Rejects the specified approval request.
*PUT /approvals/request/external/{id}/reject
Rejects the specified external approval request.
*PUT /approvals/request/reject
Rejects the set of specified pending approval requests.
*GET /approvals/instance
Retrieves the list of approval request details by their status.
*PUT /approvals/instance/step/{id}/request
Retrieves the approval request associated with the given Id.
*GET /approvals/instance/step/{id}/trace
Retrieves the approval request trace logs of the given approval Id.
*PUT /approvals/instance/step/{id}/logs
Retrieves the approval request logs for the given Id.
Sample cURL Command
curl --location --request GET 'developer_portal_rest_base/approvals' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic basic_auth'
The approvals.yaml file is located at SAGInstallDir\DeveloperPortal\developers\openapis.