Developer Portal 10.11 | Using Developer Portal | APIs | Trying APIs | Trying a SOAP API
Trying a SOAP API
This section explains how you can test a SOAP API.
*If the API that you are trying is protected with API key, JWT, or OAuth, then create an application to establish your identification. For information about creating applications, see Creating an application.
*To try a SOAP API
1. Navigate to the Try API page using one of the following ways:
*Click the Tryout icon in the corresponding API tile.
*Click Try API from the API details page of the corresponding API.
The Try API page appears. The SOAP methods that you can test appear in the left pane.
2. Select the required method.
3. Provide the following values in the Parameters tab:
*Key. Key value of the parameter.
*Value. Value of the corresponding key parameter.
You can click Add new and add multiple entries.
4. Provide the required header details from the Headers tab:
*To include header key value combinations, provide the following:
*Key. Value of the header key.
*Value. Value of the corresponding key parameter.
You can click Add new and add multiple entries.
*To include a SOAP header:
*Name. A unique name to distinguish the provided SOAP headers, if there are multiple headers.
*Click Add new namespace URI to provide unique Key elements and corresponding Value attributes for the header content. You can provide multiple key and value combinations by clicking Add new namespace URI.
*Header content.
You can click Add SOAP header to provide more headers.
5. Provide the authorization details from the Authorization tab.
For information about the authorization types and required inputs, see Authorization fields.
6. If the SOAP API is protected with web service security (WSS) select the required authorization method from the Web Service Security tab:
*WSS user token. Select this to provide WSS user name and password.
*Provide the user name and password required for WSS authorization.
*Select the Add nonce check box to include nonce, which is a randomly generated number that is included in the request header sent to the API server. Nonce is generated every time a request is sent to the API server and thus, adding a nonce to the request along with WSS user token prevents reuse of old communications.
*Select the Add creation time check box to add a timestamp that the nonce was created. This value helps server to ensure that the outdated nonce values are not reused.
*Select Password text to send password as plain text. Else, select Password digest to encrypt the password.
*WSS SAML assertion. Select this to include SAML assertion for WSS authorization. You can either paste the assertion or upload the assertion file.
You can include both, WSS user token and SAML assertion, in your request. You can select either of these options, provide the required details, and then the other option without pressing Clear. So, the details provided for both options are included to the request.
7. In the Request body tab, provide your request in the form of key-value pairs or raw text.
8. Click Send.
The response body and headers appear in their respective sections.