Developer Portal 10.11 | Using Developer Portal | Administration | How do I configure SMTP settings to send emails?
How do I configure SMTP settings to send emails?
Developer Portal sends notifications over emails to its users as part of various functionalities such as user registration, application request, and so on. To enable Developer Portal to send email notifications, you have to register your SMTP server and set the sender’s email address.
This use case starts when you want to configure SMTP settings and ends when you have completed the configuration.
*To configure SMTP settings
1. Click the menu options icon from the title bar and click Administration.
2. Click SMTP.
3. Provide the following details:
Host name
Host name or IP address of the SMTP server.
Port number used by the SMTP server.
Sender address
Email address that must appear as sender address for all emails. This must be a valid email address.
4. Turn Use SSL on to enable SSL.
5. If you enable the SSL mode, perform the following:
*Select a value from the SSL mode field that specifies the method to use for a secured connection.
Options available are:
*STARTTLS. Transforms a connection that was initially untrusted into an encrypted connection without requiring a specific port to secure communication.
*SSL. Establishes a trusted connection with a dedicated port.
*In the Connection timeout field, provide the duration, in milliseconds, after which the attempt to connect to the SMTP server is cancelled.
6. Turn Use authentication on to use authentication to the SMTP server. Provide the username and password used for authentication in the corresponding fields.
7. Click Save.
Your changes are saved.