Developer Portal 10.11 | Using Developer Portal | User management | LDAP Users and Groups Onboarding | How do I specify attributes for the LDAP connection established with an LDAP server?
How do I specify attributes for the LDAP connection established with an LDAP server?
This use case starts when you have created an LDAP connection and when you want to modify or specify the attribute mappings, user attribute mappings, group attribute mappings, and behavior of the LDAP connection.
Before you begin:
Ensure that you have:
*An LDAP connection.
*API Administrator privilege.
*To specify attributes for the LDAP connection established with an LDAP server
1. From the Connections tab, click the edit icon next to the connection.
2. Click the Attribute mappings tab.
3. Provide the following details:
Attribute that contains the object class.
Fully qualified name (distinguished name).
Globally unique Identifier of the LDAP server.
4. Click the User attribute mappings tab.
5. Provide LDAP user attributes:
Name, First name, and Last name
LDAP user name, first name, and last name.
E-mail address and Telephone number
Email address and telephone number of the LDAP user.
Location of the user’s thumbnail picture.
Attribute that references the groups of a user.
List of LDAP attributes, separated by commas, that are to be imported as user-defined attributes of LDAP user.
6. Click the Group attributes mappings tab.
7. Provide the following LDAP group attributes:
Group name.
Attribute that references the members of a group.
List of LDAP attributes, that you want to import as user-defined attributes of a group.
8. Click the Behavior tab.
9. Provide the following details:
Group object class.
Object class of the LDAP group.
User object class
Object class of the LDAP user.
Search paths
List of all LDAP search paths separated with semi-colons.
Group search paths
List of all LDAP search paths for user groups separated by semi-colons. The list provided here overwrites the list of general search paths.
User search paths
List of LDAP search paths for users separated using semi-colons. The list provided here overwrites the list of general search paths.
Group search filter
Query filter for LDAP groups.
User search filter
Query filter for LDAP users.
Recursion depth
Recursion depth that is to be used for nested groups and users.
Page size
Maximum number of entries that are loaded in a single LDAP query.
Defines how referrals to other LDAP systems are processed.
10. Click Save.
You have now completed providing LDAP details.
Next steps:
*Import users or user groups from the LDAP server. For information on importing users, How do I import users and user groups from an LDAP server?.