Task Notification Overview
Software AG Designer enables you to create one or more task notifications in a task application. With proper permission, run-time users can then subscribe to available notifications for the tasks in their inbox, enabling them to receive an e-mail notification when a specified task-related event occurs. Because task events can be grouped into task control sets, you have great flexibility in designing your notification model. A My webMethods user with Task List Management access and proper permissions can also subscribe a user, group, or role to a task notification.
For additional information about notification subscriptions, see
Limitations to Subscription Access.
To be able to open a task from a task notification e-mail, the task notification recipient must have a network connection to the My webMethods Server instance that sent the notification.
For situations where a network connection is not available, you can configure the notification e-mail so that the
My webMethods Server user receiving the notification can interact with a task running in the
Task Engine without requiring a connection to
My webMethods Server. For more information, see
About Task E-mail Notification Replies.
As an example, you might want to create a task notification for any of the following conditions:
A task is assigned to a user.
A task is cancelled.
A large loan request or merchandise order is received.
A task has not been acted upon within a certain time period.
Task notifications are triggered by the conditions you define in a task event; when the task event condition is matched, you configure the event action to publish the notification. Such events are referred to as task notification events.
When a task notification event is triggered, notification is provided by e-mail to all assigned users who are subscribed to the notification. The notification is sent to the user's e-mail account defined in the My webMethods user profile.
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