Operator | Definition |
= | Equals. |
> | Greater than. |
< | Less than. |
<> | Does not equal. |
>= | Greater than or equal. |
<= | Less than or equal. |
like | The like operator enables you to find task business data for a field by specifying partial search characters and an asterisk (*) character (a wildcard search). For example, to do a wildcard search for a zip code, you could enter "980*", which returns results for all zip code data from 98000 to 98099. |
not like | This operator provides the same wildcard searching as the like operator, but with the opposite results. |
between | The data returned by the search falls between two dates. |
in | The data returned by the search contains a specified value in an array. For example, if an array [1,2,3] exists, searching for a value of 2 will obtain a match. This operator also works for a single string, but acts like the = operator. |
not in | This operator provides the same array searching as the in operator, but with the opposite results. |