You can modify the processing mode that you specified when creating the decision table. For more information about processing modes, see
About Decision Table Processing Modes.
To modify the processing mode:
1. To modify the processing mode with the Properties view:
b. When the editor has focus, select Inferential or Sequential all or Sequential first in the Properties view.
Note: The Properties view displays information about assets that are currently selected in the editor or in any of the views. If you switch the focus from the asset, the displayed information in the Properties view changes accordingly.
2. To modify the processing mode with the Rules Explorer view:
a. Right-click the decision table in the Rules Explorer view.
b. Select Processing mode > Inferential, Processing mode > Sequential first or Processing mode > Sequential all from the context menu.
Note: If the decision table contains any unsaved changes, you are asked to save the decision table before the processing mode is modified.