Deploying Packages and Assets from Asset Repository View
You can deploy Integration Server package or configuration assets using the Asset Repository view.
To deploy packages and configuration assets from Asset Repository View
1. In Asset Repository view, select the Integration Server package or configuration assets that you want to deploy to Cloud Container.
2. Right-click the package and click Deploy to Cloud.
3. In the Publish Assets to Cloud dialog box, select the package to deploy.
If you want to publish the configuration assets along with the selected Integration Server package, select Include runtime configurations, click Next, and go to step 4. Otherwise, click Next and go to step 5.
4. In the Confirm selected configurations dialog box, select the configuration that you want to deploy and clickNext.
Software AG Designer fetches the configuration data from Software AG Command Central.
5. In the Integration Server package variable substitution dialog box, select the package and edit the value of the property that you want modify before deploying to cloud. Click Next.
To use the value of an environment variable as the substitution value, specify the substitution value as: ${ENV_VARIABLE} where ENV_VARIABLE is the name of a defined environment variable. If you specify an environment variable that does not exist, ${ENV_VARIABLE} will be retained and used in the configuration.
6. In the Select Cloud Solution dialog box, select the solution on Cloud Container to which you want to deploy the assets and click Finish.
Software AG Designer deploys the assets and configurations to a remote repository provisioned for the tenant on Cloud Container.