Specifying a Web Service Connector
When you want to use a web service in your Composite Application Framework web or portlet application, you must create a web service connector and specify a web service client. You can add a web service connector in the following ways:
Use the
New > Web Services Connector wizard, as described below. You can use this method to select a WSDL file from your local file system, or to create a web service connector from an
Integration Server service or web service descriptor.
The user account used to connect to the Integration Server must have appropriate ACL permissions to access and work with the targeted services used in the following procedure.
To specify a web service client with the New Web Service Client wizard
1. In the UI Development perspective, click the Navigator view and locate the web or portlet application project you want to work with.
2. Right-click the project and select New > Web Service Connector.
3. In the New Web Service Client wizard, select a project from the Project list and click Next.
4. To specify a web service, do one of the following:
Click the
WSDL list and select
Browse to a Local File to select a WSDL file that represents a web service.
Click the
WSDL list and select
Choose a Web Service from a Data Provider to choose a service or web service descriptor from a data provider:
1. In the
Select Web Service dialog box, expand the
webMethods Integration Server instance you want to work with until you find the package and service or web service descriptor you want to use, select it, and then click
OK. For information about creating a web service descriptor, see
Creating a Web Service Descriptor.
The Client Name and Package fields display the selected object’s information.
5. In the Authentication Method list, select the desired authentication mode.
If you select the Hybrid authentication mode, SAML 2.0 is used by default. To use SAML Artifact Profile, set the wsclient.hybrid.use.samlartifact property to true in the custom_wrapper.conf file in the following My webMethods Server directory: Software AG_directory/profiles/MWS_instanceName/configuration.
6. In the Soap Library list, select WS-Stack Client and:
If the selected service or descriptor has two or more operations, click
Next to specify the operation you want to use.
Next to work with additional web service connector settings, or click
Finish to add the web service connector.
The new web service client is added to the application and can be viewed in the User Interfaces node of the Solutions view and in the Managed Beans node of the Bindings view. You can also view the wsclient.xml file in the project’s WEB-INF folder in the Navigator view.
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