Field Name | Description |
Host | The host name on which you can access CentraSite. The default value is localhost. |
Port | The port number on which you can access CentraSite. The default value is 53305. |
Product ID | The ID of the product. The default value is CentraSite. |
Repository Path | The path to the repository. The default value is WebServicesStack. |
User | The user name for access to a CentraSite Organization. |
Password | The password for access to a CentraSite Organization. |
Organization | The name for the CentraSite Organization to which you want to publish the Web service. Select a value from the drop-down list. |
User | The user name for access to a CentraSite Organization. |
Field Name | Description |
Name | The location to which you deploy your Web service package. |
URL | The location of the Web Services Stack deploy servlet. The default deploy servlet location is http://<host_name>:<port_number>/wsstack/sagdeployer. |
User | The username for the required authentication credentials. The default value is admin. |
Password | The password for the required authentication credentials. The default value is manage. For more information about modifying the user name and password, go to
Software AG Documentation Website > webMethods Product Suite > webMethods Product Suite [version] > Documentation by Product > Web Services Stack. |